Retail Computer Purchasing Experiences @ [H] Consumer

I don't have any issues with any of the stores mentioned especially since i know what i'm doing and what i'm going in after. Each store has it strong and weak point and for the most part the people that work there are good people. Fantasic article though and i really like what [H]ardocp is doing with this review and all of the other reviews lately i spend more of time on this site now just reading up on all of the interesting articles.
My favorite question to ask the new people that show up in the Geek Squad is a various randomly selected technical question. This can be anything from CAS timings and their meanings, to what physical differences there are in DDR and DDR2, to how to open up a computer case without killing yourself.

The number of times I've gotten blank stares made me want to cry. Or laugh. To be honest, I wasn't sure which I wanted to do.

Yes, it's gotten slightly off topic, but I also think this is where it's hard not to be seen as 'bashing' without sharing experiences that are similar or even worse. To be fair some have said they've had great experiences too. I'm glad that some people have, but on the other hand, there are so many more who have gotten horrible experiences. I can tell you now that they probably got that horrible experience because that employee is expected to give them that horrible experience. Said employee has two choices - screw you over as the customer by making your shopping experience a nightmare, with offers of things you didn't even come into the store for, or even considered over the many times you've been there, OR keeping his job by dancing for the management and keeping them happy that he's doing things to their expectations, no matter how much you as the customer, hate it. Which one do you think they're going to choose when the retailer is their only source of income? This isn't to say extend the guy sympathy. You can do that on your own volition. What I'm saying is try to understand that his choices are very limited, neither of which he is probably happy with, let him go through the motions necessary to keep his job, and resume doing things as you intended to. It's not like he can FORCE you to say yes to anything he is offering.
BoogerBomb said:
How can you go to Fry's and not mention the sticker of death?

Is that the sticker that says the item was returned by customer and tested fine, yadda yadda? Those stickers are usually worth 5% off normal pricing. May or may not be worth it. It could really be that the customer didn't know what s/he was doing and returned it, or it could be that the item is glitchy.
Yashu said:
what is the sticker of death?

Stuff that people have broken and returned to Fry's. Fry's tries to fix it and puts it back no the shelf with a sticker letting you know that someone has previously fucked it up.
BoogerBomb said:
Stuff that people have broken and returned to Fry's. Fry's tries to fix it and puts it back no the shelf with a sticker letting you know that someone has previously fucked it up.
Not really, they put it on all returns and exchanges that have been opened. I returned two DFI boards to Fry's (my first and only DFI experience), and the lady checked to make sure everything was there, and immediately slapped the sticker on it and it was whisked off to be put back on the shelves. The boards weren't bad, I just realized my terrible mistake after getting home (I still kick myself for even thinking about buying a DFI).
That is a funkin awesome deal on the Athlon X2 3800 HP at fry’s. LOL, you come out ahead even if you just scrap it for parts. It would also be perfect to add to my [H]ord for some sweet folding action.

Or grab the RAM, processor, HD, and Optical and stick them on a new MB in a new case + PSU. I could OC that and add some HD’s and use it as a media box/server. Then I could throw some old stuff in the HP and use it as a folding box!!
EQTakeOffense said:
At Circuit City, if you have the protection plan, you get a gift card for the amount you purchased your computer if it breaks.

So, say you spend $1,000 on the computer at the proctection plan is $200. If your computer breaks within the protection plan time period, you're only out $200 as opposed to $1,000.

That's why I never really understand when people say 'If it breaks, time for a new one. I don't need the protection plan.' Yeah, if it breaks you need a new one, but atleast you'll have $800 towards a new computer as opposed to none.

The above statement is FALSE!!!! The terms listed above to not apply to computers. The terms and conditions of the Circuit City Protecion Plan vary from one type of product to another. The information stated above applies to portable electronics such as mp3 players. Also, from my experience.... the Best Buy protection plan will replace the product, BUT I have seen instances where best buy prorated the service plan back to the customer when they could not replace it. This is part of the difference between the Circuit City protection plan and the Best Buy protection plan. Circuit City WILL repair or replace the unit REGARDLESS of the issue. Granted, the replacement mau be a refurbished product.
The above statement is FALSE!!!! The terms listed above to not apply to computers.

Er... Yes, it does.

Circuit City WILL repair or replace the unit REGARDLESS of the issue. Granted, the replacement mau be a refurbished product.

Circuit City will try to repiar the unit first. If the computer is not repairable (Such as the motherboard is dead due to a power surge) they will replae the computer with a comparable model (refurbish or new). However, you can ask for a gift card for the orginal amount puhased and the Protetion Plan will give you one. Although, you do have to ASK for one.

Circuit City will also prorate the money once the protection plan is used. So, again with my example...

Say you spent $200 on the protection plan for 2 years, and $1000 on the computer. If your computer gets a lightning strike and has to be replaced (not repiared, repaires are unlimited) you would get either a gift card for $1000 or a comparable model. You will then also receive an extra $100 as the prorated money from the year you did not use the plan.

The terms and conditions of the Circuit City Protecion Plan vary from one type of product to another. The information stated above applies to portable electronics such as mp3 players.

For MP3 players it's a direct replaement no questions asked. If the product stops acting like new, you mail it away, and we send you a new one (it could be refurbished though). You will still get it prorated, but in this case the protection plan is void because it's replaced.

You get unlimited repiars, but only one replacement or giftcard for one protetion plan.
EQTakeOffense said:
Circuit City will try to repiar the unit first. If the computer is not repairable (Such as the motherboard is dead due to a power surge) they will replae the computer with a comparable model (refurbish or new). However, you can ask for a gift card for the orginal amount puhased and the Protetion Plan will give you one. Although, you do have to ASK for one.

This statement is partially true, under specific circumstances. I will explain those circumstances while citing information from the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide. If the unit is damaged in a way that the protection plan covers, Circuit City will attempt to repair the product. If the product cannot be repaired, Circuit City will issue a replacement of a similar model, new or refurbished.

This is defined in the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide with the following text:

Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide said:
If the Administrator's telephone diagnosis indicates that Replaced and Shipped Service is applicable to Your covered Product, the Administrator will provide You a new or refurbished Product of equal or similar features and functionality at Our sole discretion, though not necessarily of the same brand.

Additionally, you can recieve a gift card "equal to the current replacment cost of the like-kind product" only after the product cannot be repaired. Obviously, this is not necessarily going to be the original amount spend if this is suppose 2 years after the purchase.

Once again, this is outlined in the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide as follows:

Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide said:
If a replacement Product is not available or if You refuse the refurbished Product, the Administrator may issue a Circuit City Gift Card to You equal to the current replacment cost of the like-kind product.


EQTakeOffense said:
Circuit City will also prorate the money once the protection plan is used. So, again with my example...

Say you spent $200 on the protection plan for 2 years, and $1000 on the computer. If your computer gets a lightning strike and has to be replaced (not repiared, repaires are unlimited) you would get either a gift card for $1000 or a comparable model. You will then also receive an extra $100 as the prorated money from the year you did not use the plan.

As far as the prorated portion of this quoted text above, I have found no information inside the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide. But, if you can find that information please post it on the forum so that I may see it. As I am a Sales Associate employed at Circuit City and I would greatly appreciate any information concerning the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan.

EQTakeOffense said:
Next we have the MP3 Player Situation

For MP3 players it's a direct replaement no questions asked. If the product stops acting like new, you mail it away, and we send you a new one (it could be refurbished though). You will still get it prorated, but in this case the protection plan is void because it's replaced.

As I previously stated, any service completed on an MP3 player will result in a gift card equal to the value of the original purchase being sent you. This is outlined in the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide as follows:

Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Comprehensive Service Guide said:
Small/portable products will be replaced with a gift card in the amount of the product's original price.

And the last part of EQTakeOffense's statement

EQTakeOffense said:
You get unlimited repiars, but only one replacement or giftcard for one protetion plan.

This is true :p
As I am a Sales Associate employed at Circuit City and I would greatly appreciate any information concerning the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan.

Ironically I am too.

And, yes, by the exact wording of the protection plan, you are correct. However, in real life experience, that is not how it works. At our store we have given gift cards for the orginal amount of purchase, give new computers for people who have brought in 2 year old models who had the protection plan, and we have always been told about the prorated amount from upper management.

At my store, people have literally come in with computer in hand, protection book in the other. They give it to the techs to look at (since it's free) the techs usually take about a day or two to conclude it's dead, and the next day my manager or store director will ask one of the technology guys to help the customer pick out a new computer. If they go over what the orginal price was, they have to pay extra, if they go under we just give them a gift card.

I've even seen people come in with broken cameras who are going to go on vacation the next day and want a loner camera, and, with a few quick phone calls, we give them a loner camera right there on the spot.

The protection plan has ALOT more to offer then what is in the the actual contract. I'm not arguing what you said is corret, it is. The legal contract does state what you said, what I'm saying is that the protection plan is actually better then what the contract makes it out to be, atleast in my store.

EDIT: Now, this may be good or bad, but all of my 'additional' information is from upper management who have talked to me about the protection plan. Whatever information I am saying, is comming from what my managers have told me. Now, some may view this as a way to get me to 'lie' in oder to increase the bottom line. However, like I have said, I have seen this employed at my store many times. It maybe be a distrcit or a store thing, but, what I have said that isn't in the protection plan has happened at my store.
I suppose then we've come to sort of an agreement then :p ! The only reason I wanted to stress those points is to prevent confusion. The only things that you are guarenteed are those listed in the terms and conditions. I also have seen several exceptions made to the terms and conditions--Such is Retail! Just don't expect more than the service plan legally guarentees or you could get burnt! But in contrast to what you said about the use of the prorating system in your store, I must say that it is used rarely in the store i work at. Is it something being pushed by a regional manager? It definitly brings up a few questions in my mind about the enforcement of the policy from store to store. Also, I wanted to note something i forgot to note in my original post. Great articles guys!!!! :D Heheh
Where do you work if it's not too personal.

Is it something being pushed by a regional manager? It definitly brings up a few questions in my mind about the enforcement of the policy from store to store.

I'm not sure. I just know that my manager came up to me one day and was like 'You know the Protection Plan will prorate the money for what isn't used, right?' He explained it to me, and I'm like 'Oh, no, didn't know that'. He uses it in his sales as well.

And, this will actually make this on topic, lol. Not every retail store is equal. I have meet people who come down from New York to shop at our store because of how knowledegable and friendly we are. The customer experience really rests on that of the customer him/her/self. If the customer is friendly and nice, so will the service. If the customer is cold and 'mean' the service will not be that great.

I think it's fair to say knowledge of the product rests on that of the sales associate, but I think alot of the sales experience rests with the customer AND the sales associate.
About 2 Months ago I baught a Laptop from BestBuy " GateWay MX7118" I love this thing and ive never had any Issues with it. Ive Purchased from all 3 Companies and never had a really bad Experience with any of them. (Except for Prices) Each Company has Different Prices for the same thing. Like the G7 Mouse, Circuit City doesnt sell it, BestBuy has it for $79.00 and Comp has it for $99.00...

I"ll Continue to do Buisness with them and Since I got my Laptop from BestBuy it has now been Upgraded alot and I'm very pleased