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Dec 10, 2005
Not really sure if this is the correct place to post this. Purchased an itx motherboard and power supply from him a few days ago. He claimed he shipped it out priority mail over a week ago, he wrote the address by hand and didn't use delivery confirmation. Just want to hear from some guys that may have bought/sold/traded with him within the last few months.
I turned his email notification on and PM'd him to respond here.
Thank you for the notification Lethal. As for my references, I do have some heatware from members of this forum and at least one previous for sale thread that hasn't been deleted (maybe more, I haven't checked) which has posts listing people who have gotten things from me. I have sent you a scan of the receipt, have asked my local post office, have tried as many things I can think of to resolve this for you short of just taking the money and hardware hit of refunding everything.... please don't start questioning my willingness to help or reputation as a trader. I've even worked with a member here who received a case from me that was damaged in shipping. With some extra leg work on both ends and a bit of a lengthy process, we managed to get him the full insured value back and he still had the watercooling bits attached to the case.

As I thought I had mentioned in more than one PM - I really have no ideas of where to progress from here. USPS claims that I can't even file a missing parcel claim since it was not insured and cannot locate it because I didn't pay extra for a tracking number (have never had ANYTHING lost by USPS in the past). I think that's insane since I spent $13 to ship a 3.5 pound package... but you've been looking for two weeks and insist you know the postman has done everything to find it. On my end I've sent a scan of the receipt, I've contacted the post office from where it was shipped, and I've tried to suggest the things they told me could help. It was a $40 purchase for a motherboard, a stick of ram, a fan, and a power supply plus some associated accessories - shipped - and I think that was a steal (or would have been?). After paypal fees and shipping I would only see $25 of it.... but if I refund you that much I still would be out the entire value of the hardware.....

So I'll open it up to our creative forum members:
Is there a fair compromise for a refund that could be considered?
Does anyone have any experience with how long USPS Priority mail packages can take to arrived in an otherwise lost state?
I shipped the items on the 29th of april, when would be an appropriate time to consider the package lost with no hope otherwise and resort to the first option?

I really don't mean to be a bad guy in any way, I just would like to reiterate that I'm out of ideas and a week and change after the shipping day seems a little hasty to go claiming that it has been permanently lost and I should take a hit and refund the money (I'm a grad student so it's not like I have the means to refund anyone's money who claims to not get something *not a slight against you or that I think you're lying, just a point about me not being some high-volume business.*)
Start a PayPal claim, the seller has no chance without delivery confirmation. You'll get the full $40 back without a doubt. I buy delivery confirmation on EVERYTHING regardless of value. Hell I paid for DC when I sold 2 stock heatsinks to Randy2 for like $10, I pocketed about $3 after everything.
I sold an Economics book on ebay for a little over a hundred. I sent it media mail with no tracking even though I knew better. Well, it never showed and I had to eat the entire cost of sale and shipping, as it was my fault. Unless he asked you not to add tracking, then I believe it is the sellers responsibility to do so. I say give it another week and if it does not show, refund the full amount, including shipping and mark it as lesson learned. It will look good on your record for the future. If by some chance it does show up after that, the buyer can just send back payment.
Unless he asked you not to add tracking, then I believe it is the sellers responsibility to do so.
Actually, I believe it should be the buyer's responsibility to request (and pay any extra for tracking), not the seller's, although this should be decided upon in advance and it's certainly to the seller's advantage to include the fee in the selling/shipping.
If you ship anything for a fair amount tracking should be provided. As it covers both on problems or any other issues that happen.

I add it to everything i ship and i like to make sure everything is in order. And it is only like .70 cent, so it isn't like it is going to break you doing so.

I mean .70 cent sure does save a lot of trouble and hassal in the long run. Hope you get it sorted out and good luck to both of you.
If you prepare the shipping label from paypal, or, it gives you free tracking number.
Fedex/UPS ground has $100 insurance on every package and free tracking and most of the time cheaper than USPS

It is seller responsibility to make the item arrive to buyer in one piece, unless they are agreed no insurance/tracking before shipping it.

However it is only 5-6 business days yet and he sent it out parcel post. Parcel post takes 9 business days, and sometimes even longer.

If i was the buyer i would give little more time to seller. at least till end of next week.
It was sent priority.

Start the PayPal claim now and if it arrives just close it.

It's the seller's responsibility to ensure that the item arrives. If you frequently trade on these forums you should know how PayPal works. If you want to be stingy over 70 cents then should anything happen it's the seller's responsibility to make things right. In this case the buyer is entitled to a full refund of $40. The fact that the seller only pocketed $25 or that the package deal was "a steal" is completely irrelevant.
However it is only 5-6 business days yet and he sent it out parcel post. Parcel post takes 9 business days, and sometimes even longer.

Both seller and buyer stated the package was shipped Priority mail, which normally takes 2-3 days. Its kind of a tough situation, its usually the seller's responsibility to make sure the package arrives to the buyer. IMO, there should always be some sort of tracking on the package.

Edit: shuang beat me to it...
Actually, I believe it should be the buyer's responsibility to request (and pay any extra for tracking), not the seller's, although this should be decided upon in advance and it's certainly to the seller's advantage to include the fee in the selling/shipping.

I add it regaurdless whether the buyer requests it or not. In the end it is the sellers responsibility until the buyer has the item in hand. Tracking is usually less than a dollar and that is cheap for peace of mind.
I understand that it could have been handled better on my end, and if I had known it would have been so much for priority I would have shipped by UPS. I still can't believe they don't offer any confidence with their base service though. I also know that printing it online gives you a tracking number, but without a scale that's accurate at low weights, that's not really an option for me. This deal was arrived at also as a fixed price with shipping included - if I was a buyer working a deal like this out I would not expect the shipper to pay for extra services. Yes that would have fixed the problem and covered my ass, but again I've never had a problem with USPS Priority through more than a decade and hundreds of parcels - shipping and receiving.

Also there's no reason to call me stingy, I mentioned the cost of $15 towards shipping and fees merely for concerns relating to a refund and how much it should be - since you believe it should be full then the fact is irreverent, but only because of your response to the situation.

I understand that the seller has the responsibility to get the item to the buyer, but I am also disgusted with the complete lack of responsibility USPS has taken. Another perhaps more important fact is that it is still the buyer's word vs. mine, and I at least have a receipt showing I did send it. I don't wish to accuse 404 of misdoing, but you can understand my skepticism surrounding a full refund especially since anyone can just insist something didn't arrive and get to this same point if they knew the shipping rules surrounding USPS Priority.
Seller owes buyer full refund IMO. Should of bought the delivery confirmation for an extra dollar. Seller should learn from this and move on.

Does either seller or buyer have any heat?
First, I'd like to thank everyone including DaJMasta for posting here.


It was never my intention to bring this up and make you look like a bad guy. It hasn't been two weeks yet but 8 days to be precise. As i already stated, Me and my postman go back some time. He hasn't received any package like that with my name on it and yet i actually received two smaller packages from other forum members this week.

I only brought this up the way i did so i could get some sort of feedback from people that have actually bought from him in the past. I was going to take it from there either moving on or moving forward with a claim once i got some feedback from those that may have bought from DaJMasta in the last few months. I never brought this out in the open to druge his name all over the forums or anything like that. Just wanted some feedback.

i also understand that USPS can be quite the quagmire lately. While it sucks that i am out money and the product i wanted, While money is tight right now, I'm far more worried for the product i bought than the cash. After all, that's why i forked over money for it and i still want it. As a matter of fact, i NEED it. If i didn't, I wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble lately. Any other person would have just plastered you as a scammer and filed a claim by now. Me, I just want you to have the money and I want the package with what i paid for. Nothing more.
Another perhaps more important fact is that it is still the buyer's word vs. mine, and I at least have a receipt showing I did send it.

I dont mean to be rude here, but this shows some lack of experience with online trading on your part. I would say a majority of transactions on forums involves paypal. And usually paypal requires some sort of tracking number for the package when a dispute is open against you. I do not believe a receipt from USPS would be enough with paypal, but that is just my guess, I never been in that situation before where I had just a receipt.

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. You don't receive an item, you contact the seller, he shows you a receipt that is been shipped and has told you he has done everything he could on his end. Wouldnt you also feel you have been cheated or upset because you did not receive what you paid for?

If you purchase something online such as Newegg, Amazon, etc...there is always some sort of tracking on the package. In my opinion, having a tracking number on a package is going to be required nowadays, unless you are ready to eat the cost of replacing it if it does gets lost.
if you can't afford tracking #, then you shouldn't be trading online, period.
The buyer is due a full refund here. The seller plain and simple screwed himself over by not getting tracking information and the buyer shouldn't have to eat any of the cost because of that.

The buyer should start a Paypal claim immediately because its been more then 5 business days for something that is guaranteed in 2-3.

The seller should refund the money, and in future sales bump up his price by $1.00 and pay for tracking.

Its too small of an item to look like either one is scamming the other. Its just a case of the mail got lost (which happens) and since the seller didn't protect himself he's out. There are no other options or compromises here.
i'd wait a little while longer on the shipping as i have done the same thing before and had priority things arrive 20 days late and then decide on the refund. why do paypal dispute when you guys can work it out like gentlemen and and just agree on a refund. Its only 40.00 loss and IMO i think thats a pretty cheap lesson :) good luck guys and I hope it comes in the mail.
In the past, with hand written addresses and/or packages without delivery confirmation, I lost USPS packages in the mail, several actually.

I've since moved to printing shipping labels via paypal which includes delivery confirmation for free and have not had any issues what so ever. I think some of this is also USPS trying to decrease lost packages since they are losing a lot of business. I almost switched to UPS because of the lost packages but have decided to give USPS another shot. I also feel the electronic labels with a bar code also help a lot when it comes to keeping track of the packages.
When it's a bargain, it's a tough call to spend an added dollar on top of the high price of shipping for DC or insurance. It's not possible to determine the possiblitly of theft or if the buyer is legitimate. Even if you are dealing with a familiar buyer, the possiblility of loss or theft from your/thier doorstep may occur.

Always, as a minimum, purchase DC. Adjust your price accordingly.

I have had some packages arrive 2 weeks late, with the USPS to blame. They were packages I sent, but the buyer was patient.
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When it's a bargain, it's a tough call to spend an added dollar on top of the high price of shipping for DC or insurance. It's not possible to determine the possiblitly of theft or if the buyer is legitimate. Even if you are dealing with a familiar buyer, the possiblility of loss or theft from your/thier doorstep may occur.

Always, as a minimum, purchase DC. Adjust your price accordingly.

I have had some packages arrive 2 weeks late, with the USPS to blame. They were packages I sent, but the buyer was patient.

Correct. I paid the extra .70 for DC for those 2 AM3 stock heatsinks I sold you.
When it's a bargain, it's a tough call to spend an added dollar on top of the high price of shipping for DC or insurance. It's not possible to determine the possiblitly of theft or if the buyer is legitimate. Even if you are dealing with a familiar buyer, the possiblility of loss or theft from your/thier doorstep may occur.

Always, as a minimum, purchase DC. Adjust your price accordingly.

I have had some packages arrive 2 weeks late, with the USPS to blame. They were packages I sent, but the buyer was patient.

To be fair, i never asked him which method of shipping he was going to use. At the same time, we just ran into the 9th day of what should have been 3 day delivery. At the end of the day, i'm still out the package.

shuang, to clarify, the only reason i haven't yet filed a claim is because i not only want what i paid for, i need it. In any other circumstance, i would have immediately filed a claim and not lose any sleep over it.
USPS Priority is 2-3 days, but that is not a gaurantee. I had one package that took the entire 15 days to get to the end location. I was contacting USPS and the buyer several times a week. Through the ordeal is when I found out the priority 2-3 day is not a garuantee and only an estimate (USPS words not mine). They will only consider the item lost if it exceeds 15 days.
I have shipped/received many packages including UPS. I have seen it occur twice. One when I was the shipper, and another when I was the recipient.
Well let me know if you get it any time in the next week, otherwise it seems the option is clear.

Forgive me for 'not being an experienced trader' in that I don't know how paypal deals with their disputes or that USPS doesn't seem to care about the packages they ship unless you pay extra. 404, I have no intention of leaving this hanging, but I think all of you understand that I feel burned by this. If it doesn't arrive and I need to do a full refund I am out the money it cost to ship, the hardware itself, and the time it took to pack, ship, follow up, and try to reach an agreement on. Of course the hindsight tells me that I could have covered my ass for a dollar or so - but I still can't help but feel cheated by the system and hesitant to sell again.... especially when I'm barely making any money off of it.

I appreciate the comments from those of you who took the time to say something constructive and helpful, instead of just telling the buyer how to take his money back by force or lecturing me on how I'm always supposed to pay extra to get a service that is otherwise always included and should be expected(UPS, FedEx, USPS online postage). 404 please remain in touch via PM, if it's not there next week I'll refund you your $40.

You don't have to insure your packages to file a claim.
If the post master or worker tells you that, then they are a liar.
They are responseable for your package. The insurance just helps
clear the way as you have to sign for it, so they know if it did or did not arrive.
Then they have no choice but to pony up the money as they know they were at fault.

Here is the link you need below. I think you have to wait 15 days and have 180 days to do it.
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][F][U][2][;1035693307 said:

You don't have to insure your packages to file a claim.
If the post master or worker tells you that, then they are a liar.
They are responseable for your package. The insurance just helps
clear the way as you have to sign for it, so they know it did or did not arrive.
That way,they just pony up without questions as they know they were at fault.

Here is the link you need below. I think you have to wait 15 days and have 180 days to do it.

You do realize that the very first statement in the link you provided states "If your insured mailing has been lost or damaged in transit, you can recover the value of your articles by filing an insurance claim online, by mail, or at any Post Office"
Well let me know if you get it any time in the next week, otherwise it seems the option is clear.

Forgive me for 'not being an experienced trader' in that I don't know how paypal deals with their disputes or that USPS doesn't seem to care about the packages they ship unless you pay extra. 404, I have no intention of leaving this hanging, but I think all of you understand that I feel burned by this. If it doesn't arrive and I need to do a full refund I am out the money it cost to ship, the hardware itself, and the time it took to pack, ship, follow up, and try to reach an agreement on. Of course the hindsight tells me that I could have covered my ass for a dollar or so - but I still can't help but feel cheated by the system and hesitant to sell again.... especially when I'm barely making any money off of it.

I appreciate the comments from those of you who took the time to say something constructive and helpful, instead of just telling the buyer how to take his money back by force or lecturing me on how I'm always supposed to pay extra to get a service that is otherwise always included and should be expected(UPS, FedEx, USPS online postage). 404 please remain in touch via PM, if it's not there next week I'll refund you your $40.

I have to apologize first. I never meant to post this out in the open for others to drudge your name around the forums. I simply asked who else may have traded with you. I think waiting another week or so would be benificial for both. It's a bad situation for both of us and i just really hope the package gets back to one of us soon. If you happen to get the package back in the next week or so, please let me know so we can set something up and i can put a little extra into shipping, tracking and insurance.
Since the 2 of you are in communication, I'm going to close this for now.
Either one of you guys can PM me or any other F/S mod to post an update when its all settled
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