Resolution versus Screen size; need help deciding

Jan 14, 2001
I plan on using a desktop LCD along with a yet to be purchased Playstation 3.
I would like to be as cheap as possible but there are quality limits that restrain me from going with something completely generic or unheard of for myself.
So for the time being I am looking at the Dell 24” and the Viewsonic 27” N2751W.

The pros to the Dell 24” is that it can display 1080p content. Its cons are that it doesn’t have HDMI and that it is still rather pricey. It’s also smaller than the Viewsonic by three inches.

The pros to the Viewsonic is that it’s rather large at 27”, it has HDMI and it is fairly inexpensive. I can get one, after rebate, for $550 with free shipping and no taxes. Its cons are that it is only 720p and cannot display 1080p content.

Perhaps there are more pros and cons that you would be willing to explain to me which may help me with my decision. But for now I am torn between screen size versus resolution and I’m not sure which way to go. Something inside of me says, “it sure would be nice to have 1080p”, however on the other hand I’m not sure how necessary it is on a 24”-27” screen that I am sitting right in front of.

I plan on using the LCD for PS3 gaming, web surfing, and for Linux (and the various software that runs in Linux).

I’ve had my eye on the Dell for a very long time now, but the price of the Viewsonic is making me sway in that direction. Please help!