Resistor Pr0n.

Mister X

Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 20, 2002

:D :D
You seriously need to find a new hobby, that is just sad.

Lol, if you could incorporate that design into an amp, that would make millions!
well I guess we know whats on someone's mind during frequent states of boredom :) that is hilarious, I think I may just have to put that on one of my desktops at work. got any higher res pics?
hahaha ok I can't stop laughing now. Though I get the feeling like I may have seen these before...have they been around for a while?
these are awesome dude, (*mumbles to self about an EE student who watches too much pr0n) lol, definitely creative. somethng to enter into an "abstract" art contest and see how long it takes for the kind patrons to figure out what they are looking at :D
ROFLMFAO!! You might want to see a doctor if you are gettign wet looking at those resistors..
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa awesome
edit: hahahahahhahaha still laughing
edit 30 minutes later: still laughing.....
"When Geeks Go Wild, Part IV"

...or something :D
Gotta love the "brass pole" there......

Can't see straight from laughing so damn hard. And I thought I had way too much time on my hands.
The reply in the thread mashie posted 'i can't RESISTOR you' actually made me laugh
wow, that is really funny. someone has a little too much time on their hands at work i assume ;)
Haha, that's really funny. :D But seriously, you need a g'f. I'm not gonna lie, I don' think that macking it with transisitors would be too comfortable.
This forum has hit a new low....

but...why do i feel so good inside??
hey MisterX i think you should watermark the pics, so i er, can go post it all over the internet. asking permission now! cause it so damn rocks! HAHAHAHAHA