Resident Evil 7 announced


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Resident Evil 7 (or Resident Evil VII: Biohazard) has been revealed at Sony’s E3 conference...It’s definitely on PS4, and it supports PS VR but hard to tell if it's coming to’s out January 24, 2017 and a demo will be on the PlayStation Store tonight (for PlayStation Plus members)...

I give them props for originality in the title card...they took the 'Evil' part and bolded the last 3 letters into roman numerals to spell out the number 7 (VII)...clever
It (the game and demo) will release on the PC and XB1 as well. No information on if it will support any PC VR headsets.
Let me preface this by saying: This looks amazing and like the studio took what PT could have been and ran with it.

But how in the world is this resident evil? I'm ALL for RE returning to the basic 'spooky house' survival horror roots, but If I had not seen the title, I would have NEVER guessed this was RE.
Let me preface this by saying: This looks amazing and like the studio took what PT could have been and ran with it.

But how in the world is this resident evil? I'm ALL for RE returning to the basic 'spooky house' survival horror roots, but If I had not seen the title, I would have NEVER guessed this was RE.

I knew it was RE like the moment the dude picked up the video cassette.
Let me preface this by saying: This looks amazing and like the studio took what PT could have been and ran with it.

But how in the world is this resident evil? I'm ALL for RE returning to the basic 'spooky house' survival horror roots, but If I had not seen the title, I would have NEVER guessed this was RE.

RE hasn't been the classic RE (1~3) starting from 4, though 4 was a pretty good game in its own right, it started moving towards Action Horror rather than survival horror.

I haven't played 5 yet, but 6 continued that trend, no idea if 7 will too.

It's a bit like Fallout actually, though nowhere near as drastic or two stepped, more like a sloped change.

In terms of plot, my favourite remains RE2, but my favourite in terms of gameplay is 4.
RE 4 was the only good Resident Evil I did stuff just right was interesting bosses were fun.
Please let it have no fucking QTE's. That's why I didn't play half of the later games, so over quick time events FOREVER
People felt that RE4 wasn't Resident Evil and it (+ 5 to a lesser degree) was the only one I really liked. I'm okay with them "going Halloween III" on us as long as the game is good.
Looked like a sequel to Outlast to me. Which I liked but doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game at all.
I hope they go back to the old school style of re2... Re4 was ok but not as amazing as everyone claimed. Was not freaky at all like re and 2..honestly looking forward to re 2 remake more than 7
In terms of plot, my favourite remains RE2, but my favourite in terms of gameplay is 4.
Agree 100%, RE2 had the most interesting plot but gameplay wise RE4 blew it away. everything else was meh and didnt really play anymore RE after part 4.
Hopefully it goes back to its survival horror roots... Was re2 remake@e3? Curious to see more of it
Played outlast this game so for looks evil.
Looks more like Silent Hill than RE. Oh well, I'll take it. I loved the games in the 90's but man they've sucked ever since. Haven't been any good ones since the PS1 it seems. This does look pretty promising though.
Just remake the first & second game over and over again with improved graphics, I'll buy it. The first two will always be the best anyway. No need to try to top it.
Well the good news is that it seems they're not going to make it another action shooter.

The bad news is that it doesn't seem to have any (obvious) connection to any other previous RE games/characters/story. But it was a pretty vague trailer too. I stopped caring after RE 5 though.
The bad news is that it doesn't seem to have any (obvious) connection to any other previous RE games/characters/story. But it was a pretty vague trailer too. I stopped caring after RE 5 though.
You won't be playing as a classic RE character. Doesn't mean there's no connection. The demo area is not part of the real game.
The exploration done in the demo is a lot like the PT demo for Silent Hill. I really enjoyed it but my only playthrough didn't yield as much discovered as many out there. I'm quite intrigued to see where it will go since they have a ghost in the mix (which could be a psychic manifestation like Alma from FEAR).
Capcom promises there are no quick-time events in Resident Evil 7...

"In the 20 year history of Resident Evil, you know that the key pillars of the game are fear and horror, exploration of the environment, puzzle-solving elements, resource management, and combat against enemies," explained Nakanishi-san. "Those are all in this game, but we wanted to start off with the first two -- horror and exploration -- and get you experiencing those two pillars up front...

Capcom promises there are no quick-time events in Resident Evil 7
This looks lame and nothing like a true re..

There is no such thing as a "true" RE anymore. RE0 was the last time they made anything resembling an old RE game. 4 ruined the series by making it more action oriented. At least this seems to be an actual horror game and not some action romp like 4-6.
There is no such thing as a "true" RE anymore. RE0 was the last time they made anything resembling an old RE game. 4 ruined the series by making it more action oriented. At least this seems to be an actual horror game and not some action romp like 4-6.

I'm going to second this. The last several RE games have heavily emphasized action over horror. Would be nice to see the series return to its survival horror roots.
I really wish they would just burn the series down and start over. Keep it simple and have one main strain of the virus with standard zombies. You can have the first game be the failing of the lab and you being in the cleanup team and the second the city failing like they did in the movies(hopefully better than the movies). A third game could be it getting father out where the public now knows what is going on.
I think this will work great with KB/M especially since it will be 1st person with a few weapons in the mix. Eventually I'll get this after release for PC. Here's to hoping they allow 21:9 ratio resolutions... How well does Capcom support ultrawide resolutions?
People felt that RE4 wasn't Resident Evil and it (+ 5 to a lesser degree) was the only one I really liked. I'm okay with them "going Halloween III" on us as long as the game is good.

RE5 was the first RE game I played, and that was fairly recently. 2 years ago or so. So I'm a recent fan of the series. I liked RER1, too. I just played RER2, and really liked it, easily my favorite so far. I think RE6 was a tragedy. It could have been so good. I cry, thinking about all that lovely game art going to waste. They should think about doing a Redux of that game, something to redeem it, because a lot of the elements of a good game are there.

I have kind of a complex view of what I find I'm liking about "horror" games. I don't really think I want much horror in my horror games. I think I want action horror. The Walking Dead (show, haven't played the games) type horror. I find most action games lack immersion. They're too fast and glib. Regenerating health, shooting hordes of enemies in rapid succession, takes me right out of the game. I like walking through games, not running. But RER2 really hit me just right. It's not perfect, but it's better than the rest. I want a third-person action game with story, mood, pacing, and RER2 delivered for me.

Go too far into the tank controls, wonky cameras, death-spiral QTEs, cheesy zombie corpses that you can't kill until the game wakes them up and they're grabbing you, guns you can't aim properly, etc., and I get too annoyed to enjoy the game. I think RER2 hit a pretty good balance between horror and action. I'd buy as many games like that as Capcom wants to make.

So, obviously I'm not sold on RE7 yet, with all the talk of returning to horror roots. And I'm definitely not looking forward to first-person. TP view is one of the things I like about RE. I'll take a wait and see.

Yes, I know this makes me a heretic who knows nothing of the rich heritage of the RE series. Oh well. :)
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I am excited about the HD Remaster of RE2 though.

My understanding is that it's going to be a remake, not just a visual upgrade. Do I have that wrong? I was assuming it would be updated to be like RE4-6 & Rev1-2.
I enjoyed RE5 co-op, but I hated RE6 because there was a cut-scene before opening every other door or turning at every other hallway. My friend and I were tired of so many gameplay interruptions.. we just wanted to play!