Replacing VGA cable.


Jun 25, 2004
Ok, I have a Dell D1025HTX Flat CRT monitor that has served me faithfully for about 7 years, but now unfortunately I am starting to have some problems. Whenever the VGA cable is moved slightly (from bumping the desk, etc) the screen goes crazy. Sometimes everything has a shade of bright blue over it, or rarely it is yellow or green. I think there is a wire loose in the connector. I tried the monitor on another computer with a completely different video card and had the same results, so it isn't my vid card. Unfortunately the cable can't just be unhooked from the outside of the monitor and replaced. Does anyone know of an easy way to replace this cable?
It sounds like your pins are bent/broken/loose in your monitor cable. When certain pins don't contact your vid card it'll sometimes turn shades of colors. A 7 year old monitor is pretty outdated. I'm sorry to say that I think it's time to upgrade.
Yeah, I would like to upgrade but I currently don't have the cash. :-(
The only 'easy' way to replace a CRT's VGA cable is to open up the monitor, desolder the points on the PCB where it connects and solder the new cable's wires to the correct positions on the aforementioned PCB.

Other methods will probably fall under 'ghetto/duct-tape' solution :)

Working on an open (turned off and disconnected from the grid) CRT is not that dangerous, actually, as long as you take care not to touch anything unless you absolutely have to, and only with one hand at a time.