Replacing a CPU - need help


Limp Gawd
Jan 23, 2007
Should be a simple thing, take out E6600, put in E8500, BIOS should automatically adjust timings and away we go, but....

I put in the E8500 and within seconds, literally, the computer shuts itself off. Completely off. Sometimes I can get into the BIOS before it shuts down, other times I cannot even get into the BIOS.

My mobo is flashed to the latest BIOS that accepts 1333 Mhz FSB, but even if it didn't, shouldn't the E8500 be able to run at 1066 FSB?

Anyway, any advice? Bad CPU maybe? Adjust timings in BIOS before installing new CPU? I'm at a loss here as this has never happened to me before.

By the way, I took out the E8500 and put my E6600 back in and no problems.
Have you tried clearing the cmos ?, also, try testing the ram, one stick at a time, never hurts to see.
Possibly an overheating issue. Did you make sure the CPU cooler is correctly in place?
This usually indicate that the cpu is overloaded or something is overtaxed. In a desktop pc you can turn off the the pc for few minutes. So it can cool down. Then turn on the pc. If the problem is not gone. The final thing to do is reset cmos manually by taking the battery out or jumper for 5 minutes on the motherboard.