Replacement for Samsung 27" P2770FH?


Nov 30, 2006
I was finally looking to upgrade to a LCD to replace my 21" CRT so I threw the P2770F on my Christmas list since I knew it could be bought locally. While I love the size, I definitely need to find a better option.

As some of the reviews mentioned, the stand is pretty bad since it has no adjustment so I ended up having to put it on a couple books for now since the monitor sat too low on my desk. I found no real issues while using it to play FPS, but at least according to everything I read it is supposed to have a really good response time.

One of the main problems I have is the image is just washed out which I have now read on other reviews. I have been tweaking it since I set it up Christmas day and just can't get it where it is comfortable to use. I especially noticed it when I was using a Dell 2209W on an older computer this weekend, since it looked much better. Even with the brightness and contrast dialed way down, it is tough to use for reading text. Icons tend to glow and light colors bleed together.

Being my first LCD, I am not sure what of this is a symptom of the type of panel or just a defect with this model so I am not sure what other models to look at. Primary use will be surfing and playing FPS games. Any help is greatly appreciated.