Replacement for 8800GTS


May 11, 2005
I currently have a 8800 GTS and would like to get better performance. I play quite a few games with the most recent ones being Aion and Crysis. I don't need to be able to run everything on ultimate though that would be nice. I would like to to keep the cost around 200 if possible. I have been going allot of reading and would appreciate some advice in this areas as it is not my strong point. I don't have any real loyalty to one card company I just want the best I can get for the money.
The 5850 would be an awesome upgrade to the 8800GTS 320mb.
But it's a bit expensive, definitely worth the premium, though.
i have a 4870 vapor-x and it is a monumental upgrade from my old 8800GTS SC
Shopping around for deals, HD4870 for a little over $100. HD4890 for around $130.
GTX 275 would be your Nvidia option, but more expensive.
HD5850 as suggested would be a huge upgrade, though the most expensive of the bunch, but you'll definitely enjoy the performance leap.

I went from a g92 8800GTS to a HD4890 a few months back after getting a 1080p LCD. Didn't have the freedom to go down to 16x12 with the CRT anymore. Plays Crysis and everything else well without breaking the bank. I do however feel like I need some more power, so if you are playing at 1920x1080 or higher, I would strongly suggest spending the extra for the 5850. With Bing you can get them down to the $230s.
Thanks for the reply's. I think I'm going to go for a HD5850 if I can find one that is. Having a little trouble with that right now. For anyone who has tried one is there a big enough difference between the 5850 and the 5870 to pay the price and go that route?
What else is comparable to the HD5850, or, even more powerful?

I am currently on an 8800gts 640 and also looking for a new card.

Sorry for the thread jack.
a 5850 is about the same as a GTX285 but uses less power and has DX11 =p I can tell you Aion runs maxed out on a 30" on a GTX285 =p Crysis? well nothing maxes that out yet in the $200 range unless you play at 1280x1024 :D
Wow that is a huge price difference on a gtx285 vs the hd5850. Are there any benchmarks against them?
Wow that is a huge price difference on a gtx285 vs the hd5850. Are there any benchmarks against them?

thats comparing old gen to new gen. the 5850s are a hot item now too because its considered THE value buy of this generation.
Get a 4870 and pocket the difference for a 5850 a few months from now.
I would wait but I don't like to switch things around all the time. I want the card to last a couple of years before I upgrade again. I am trying to decide if I want to shell out the extra for the 5870.
Well I installed my 5870 and SSD in my machine last night. The drive is amazing. Things launch so much faster now. It’s only a test copy, and I’m still not sure if I would fork over the cash to have one just yet though as the price is so much. I started by playing some Dragon age and it looked allot better than on my 8800 GTS. It looked good before, but I get much more detail with the shadows now it seems. I then went on to try borderlands. I didn’t really notice a difference as I was already able to run it with all the settings on high before with no problems. Then came Crysis…. I put it in and pumped up the settings and started the game. There was quite a bit of slowdown. When I lowered the setting back down so I would get a suitable frame rate I didn’t think it looked much different then my 8800. I am going to do allot more playing around with it tonight. So far it doesn’t feel like that big of an improvement over my 8800. It may be that I haven’t fully tested it out yet or one of my other hardware components is slowing it down. Are my expectations just to high?
Well I installed my 5870 and SSD in my machine last night. The drive is amazing. Things launch so much faster now. It’s only a test copy, and I’m still not sure if I would fork over the cash to have one just yet though as the price is so much. I started by playing some Dragon age and it looked allot better than on my 8800 GTS. It looked good before, but I get much more detail with the shadows now it seems. I then went on to try borderlands. I didn’t really notice a difference as I was already able to run it with all the settings on high before with no problems. Then came Crysis…. I put it in and pumped up the settings and started the game. There was quite a bit of slowdown. When I lowered the setting back down so I would get a suitable frame rate I didn’t think it looked much different then my 8800. I am going to do allot more playing around with it tonight. So far it doesn’t feel like that big of an improvement over my 8800. It may be that I haven’t fully tested it out yet or one of my other hardware components is slowing it down. Are my expectations just to high?

Have you had a chance to see how the CPU load is with the new card? Is it bottlenecking you? I also have a Q6600 and I am wondering myself whether I should get the latest video card, but I am concerned whether I need to update the CPU as well to max out the video card...
I'm usually only at around 50-60% utilization when I'm playing games like crysis and COD4
I was looking for a replacement for my 8800GTS as well. I convinced myself that I would NEED to upgrade when Dragonage came out. I am absolutely shocked at how well Dragonage runs at 1920x1200 AAx2. I guess I don't need to upgrade for awhile longer...
Where are these deals?
Check out or a similar site every day. You usually do have to use Bing cashback or a mail-in-rebate, or both to get the deal. They come and go, so have to check often if you want to score a deal.

Just picked myself up a 47" 240hz LED LCD w/ a blu-ray player for $1285, no tax, free shipping, I saw it on there the other day.

To the OP, the difference should be huge. I went from a highly oc'd g92 8800gts 512 which is more powerful than your 320mb version, to a hd4890 which is half as powerful as your new card and saw a huge performance gain.