Replace memory possible?


Jun 22, 2003
Currently, my main PC has 2 sticks of 256 MB generic ram. And thanks to my boss, I now have 1 GB of Corsair TwinX Matched Memory. But this leaves me with a couple of questions:

Can I just take out my old memory, insert the new sticks, set the correct info in the BIOS and restart my PC without problems?

Or will Windows choke and die, forcing me to reinstall it?

I know the 2nd option (reinstall) would be the best, but my hard disk is literally littered with pieces for a mod for Morrowind that I've been working on and I don't want to risk loosing any of it. So if I can just replace the memory without problems, I would prefer that.

Additional info:
Proc: XP2600+
Mobo: Epox 8RDA+
OS: Windows XP pro

just take the old stuff out, plug the new sticks in making sure theyre in all the way, and turn your comp on. you dont even have to change anything in the bios cos it detects it all automatically.
bout one of the easiest things to upgrade in a pc, dont worry about having to reinstall windows.
Thanks for your reply :)

Up till now I've never replaced memory before, so I was unsure if I could do it like that.

Many thanks,
