Repeating & unresponsive keyboard in games


Feb 26, 2008
In various games like L4D2, TF2, Resident Evil 5 and Dragon Age, I've been having a problem where my keyboard presses repeat as though I were holding the key down. This is mixed with unresponsiveness, where I will press a key and not get a reaction in the game until a second later. This is despite high framerates and low latency.

e.g. I am using WASD to walk around, I press W and there is no response, after a brief pause my character moves forward and after letting go of the W my character will continue walking forward a bit longer than I pressed. It happens with other keys too.

Maybe it's linked to another problem I've been having, which is that in ETW, things sometimes get quite choppy suddenly after playing for a little and I get some weird noises.

It's not a case of stuff being stuck in the keyboard, since ordinary typing doesn't produce this problem. Oh and also, the problem will often go away temporarily when I restart my PC. I haven't established any kind of pattern for when it happens.

I'm using an Apple Keyboard and Windows 7 Pro x64.

I did about 3 passes of MemTest86 and no errors turned up.
It happens with or without a CPU overclock.
It feels like the keyboard is lagging. And it just did it in the browser as I typed this, as though I had held down the spacebar for a bit. I just came out of a game of l4d2 in which it was a big problem. Few things more frustrating than falling off of buildings and getting stuck on scenery trying to escape a tank because your keyboard is being weird.
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Would really appreciate help...

I'm starting to think it's my motherboard maybe? If it's a driver issue, which drivers would be causing the problem?
I hope I'm not stating the obvious, but have you tried using a different keyboard?
You first said it only did it in games, but now you just said it did it in your browser during your second post. Just sayin...
And I've never used anything but windows default drivers for my keyboard, a 12 year old Microsoft Internet keyboard pro. Been taken completely apart numerous times for cleanings, but works like a champ
Ok, basically the way it happens is that I open up a game, play normally for a while. Then the keyboard lag/sticky keys will start, making the game unplayable. I quit the game, it lasts for a while longer in Windows, but then the issue disappears again.

I haven't tried any other keyboard, but it doesn't seem to be the keyboard itself causing the problem since it's capable of working normally for a while before the problem starts.
and my buddy's chevy will start for a while, till it gets cold.
Fact is, until you try a different keyboard, you will never know for sure...
If you believe that it's your mobo, then how about a usb keyboard instead of ps/2, or vice versa....
In various games like L4D2, TF2, Resident Evil 5 and Dragon Age, I've been having a problem where my keyboard presses repeat as though I were holding the key down. This is mixed with unresponsiveness, where I will press a key and not get a reaction in the game until a second later. This is despite high framerates and low latency.

e.g. I am using WASD to walk around, I press W and there is no response, after a brief pause my character moves forward and after letting go of the W my character will continue walking forward a bit longer than I pressed. It happens with other keys too.

Maybe it's linked to another problem I've been having, which is that in ETW, things sometimes get quite choppy suddenly after playing for a little and I get some weird noises.

It's not a case of stuff being stuck in the keyboard, since ordinary typing doesn't produce this problem. Oh and also, the problem will often go away temporarily when I restart my PC. I haven't established any kind of pattern for when it happens.

I'm using an Apple Keyboard and Windows 7 Pro x64.

I did about 3 passes of MemTest86 and no errors turned up.
It happens with or without a CPU overclock.

Did you find any solution to the problem? coz im having the same problem when iam playing Team Fortress 2 leaft for dead2 and other games.. I have the same processor as u and windows 7 installed and asus rampage gene ii motherboard
I have been trying with 2 diffrent keyboard to, one with ps2 and the other one with usb connection, but stil having the same problem...
Hey andmik, no I still haven't found a solution, although I've been away on holiday for the past few weeks so haven't been near my PC.

fyi, I had another thread going on this same issue with some more info, but no closer to finding a solution.

Since you also have a rampage ii gene, that could be a significant part of the problem. But please let me know if you figure anything out.

re: CanesVenetici

I explain it in the thread I linked to, but basically, I tried another keyboard (well, a gamepad type thing, logitech g13, but basically like a keyboard) and while the g13 didn't succumb to the same problem as the apple keyboard, it didn't solve the problem because the unresponsive keys usually come shortly before the computer crashing or becoming extremely laggy and unresponsive.
I've noticed that the problems I've described are most likely to crop up if I browse the internet before starting up a game. Does this narrow anything down?
Usually this is a symptom of something else in your computer causing random short lockups and pauses. Bad disk or controller error would be the first thing I'd suspect; check the event log after it happens.
This sounds more like symptoms of impending hardware failure. If you haven't already make sure you run AV and Spyware scans. MSE and Malware Bytes should give you a strong indicator of any problems. Update the bios and set it to optimal settings, especially if overclocking. Download UBCD and start running some hardware utilities starting with memtest. At least this is the course of action I would take if it was my machine.
sorry I didn't read too much of this thread. Is the keyboard usb? Wireless? Did you change the usb polling frequency from the default? I had erratic keyboard response when I tried higher usb polling frequencies when I read it'd improve smoothness with my logitech mouse
I think I have a solution for your problem:

Use the Middle Mouse Button for "Reload" instead of "R". At least this worked for me (so far...). The reason is (probably): In some situations, you press too many keys at once. E.g. crouch (Ctrl) + move forward (W) and left (A) + reload (R) = 4 keys at once.

An explanation of this issue can be found here: