Repaired HIS Radeon 5870 - $250 shipped


Feb 17, 2007
Here's the story. I have an HIS Radeon 5870 for sale that has a replaced capacitor. I accidentally knocked off one of the 16V capacitors trying to force the card into a PCI-E slot. I failed to realize that the capacitor did not clear a SATA cable (from hell) that plugs into the motherboard right underneath the graphics card (great placement, Gigabyte). The broken capacitor was a 220uF/16V solid electrolyte capacitor. I replaced it with a 220uF/35V electrolytic capacitor from RadioShack because I don't have the patience to wait for the exact same capacitor through the mail. Online sources say that going up in voltage doesn't matter as long as farads (F) stay the same. I did an excellent soldering job (the solders are both nice hemispheres that resemble solder joints done by machines) and there are only a few marks on the PCB around the solder. I didn't touch anything else in proximity to the capacitor with my solder iron. I tested the circuit with a multimeter and recorded resistance across it, which means it was a good job.

After repairing my 5870, I put it back in my case and tested it with Crysis, Furmark, and the Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta. It ran Crysis perfectly for 2 hours and ran Furmark for 1 hr straight before I quit the program. In my WC setup, it maxed out at 53C. BFBC2, however, was a different story. The 5870 would play 3 rounds perfectly, then crash to the desktop. Then, it would get into a round, crash to the desktop, and stay up for 4 more rounds. That's when I decided to just get another 5870 (I got a REALLY good deal, twice now). Here's my FML moment: I got home with my new 5870 and Steam tells me "Bad Company 2 Beta" has finished downloading, which really means "Bad Company 2 has finished downloading a new patch." I went online after this and discovered tons of people were having problems with that beta - on every setup imaginable! So this 5870 with a replaced capacitor is probably just as good as the new one I just put in! Damn it.

The only catch is that the new capacitor is too tall to clear the stock cooler (which I will include anyway if you want to resolder a shorter capacitor on). Anything that is compatible with a 4870 is compatible with this card (I have a MCW60-4870 waterblock on my 5870).

I accept Paypal and have good ratings on eBay. Shipping is included in the price.

The Samsung memory chips appear a little white because I used Arctic Cooling Ceramique thermal paste, which is white itself.
Do you have the retail heatsink/fan to go back on it. Or you just selling a bare card?
Do you have the retail heatsink/fan to go back on it. Or you just selling a bare card?

"The only catch is that the new capacitor is too tall to clear the stock cooler (which I will include anyway if you want to resolder a shorter capacitor on)."
PM sent.

And this, friends, is where years of social isolation and lead poisoning might well pay off.