Removing Parallel/Serial Ports?


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2000
Hey, I think I saw a project here where someone physically removed the parallel and serial ports from his motherboard in order to save on room. Does anyone here know what I'm talking about or have a link to something similar? I need the extra space for my next project, so I was thinking of doing it, but I don't want to screw my board up. Thanks.
I've sucessfully done this on a board i'm using as a router. Took everything off except the PS/2 Ports. Didn't even de-solder, just ripped them off. YMMV
Why desolder? It's not like you run the risk of ripping internal traces in a multi-layer PCB or anything.........lolol

Some Soder-Wick will come in handy here, I think.............:)
Too bad the guy thought he needed all nine pins. I never run into anything that needs the RTS/CTS pins anymore - just the TXD / RXD and ground.
Originally posted by Adisharr
Too bad the guy thought he needed all nine pins. I never run into anything that needs the RTS/CTS pins anymore - just the TXD / RXD and ground.
I wish I had the guts to do that right now. I guess I should start working on my soldering agian.
Originally posted by Adisharr
Too bad the guy thought he needed all nine pins. I never run into anything that needs the RTS/CTS pins anymore - just the TXD / RXD and ground.

My BG Micro 20x2 needed only one pin from the serial connectior.
... Well, this is also the board that I took my dremmel's sanding discs to the sides to remove ~1cm from each side to make it fit in my mod :)

Pentium Pro 200, runs great, well for a router!