REMOVING a case badge

Jul 16, 2003
DAMN that adhesive backing!

I just picked up an ATI Radeon case badge for fun. The only problem is that I can't get the old Antec badge off!

It's a Sonata chassis with a front drive door on it, so it's pretty easy to work with.

Here's what I've tried so far:

- Prying it off with something that fits in the gap between the badge and the case's indent

- Heating it up with a blowdryer and trying to pry it off.

- Drilling a small hole through the back of the plastic and then pushing on the case badge from behind with a nail.

- Same as above, only with heat

- Drilling a hole all the way through the badge, hoping it would be pushed off.


Any tips, guys? I don't know what to try next, that adhesive backing is extremely strong.
man, I don't know what to tell you. Does it budge at all when you try and attack it from the front?

I would try it on mine, but I'd rather keep my badge on:p
Just take the dremel to it. Attack it in the middle so you don't do damage to any area that won't be covered up by the replacement badge. You might want to tape all around the current badge to buffer any slippage.
Originally posted by Hal|9k
Just take the dremel to it. Attack it in the middle so you don't do damage to any area that won't be covered up by the replacement badge. You might want to tape all around the current badge to buffer any slippage.

That won't really help me get it off though, I don' think... I can grind it down to nothing, but it won't be a good enough surface to apply the new badge to...
Since the sonata has a removable cover. Remove it and soak it in water overnight, then try to push it through from behind.

I'm amazed though because mine isn't stuck that badly.
I might have the greatest or lamest idea here.

Stick your new case badge over it. ?

or is it the one that has a bubble shaped effect ?

Get some nail polish remover and put it in the hole you drilled and let it seep into the back of the entire badge. That's usually what I do to remove residue left from tape and stuff.
Hrm and melt the plastic? Not worth it :p Unless you can create some funky effect.
here's one: get an army of ladybugs to tear at it with their miniscule little limbs!
use some kind of a solvent, like nail polish remover. I'd do what you did with a drill, drill through the case, but not all the way through the badge, and then soak it from the front and the back. I don't think the solvent should attack the case (if it's plastic, you might want to test it out first).

My AOpen case badge from this AX33 socket 370, I just noticed, is finally starting to peel off. :D