Removeable HDD and write-only?

Nov 6, 2004
I kept filling up Flash drives like nobodys business, so I bought a notebook sized external HDD. Got it installed and working, however, everytime I close it down it marks everything as "read only" which is kind of annoying.

However, it only does this on other computers. When I open the drive on my computer it works fine, but if I plug it into one of the computers in the lab at school, the files are 'read only'.

Very annoying, any ideas on how to fix that?
If it's NTFS, try changing the security properties for the user you're logged on as at school, while you're at home. My guess is you've got one account at home, "Firstname", and at school you're "zz1". So Firstname has "Full Control" privileges, while "Everyone" (and by extension zz1) has "read-only" privileges.
