Remote Login group


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2004
On my Windows Server 2003 domain, I want to grant users remote desktop privaledges. I added the appropriate users to the Remote Desktop group. When ever a user goes to login, they cant. They get a error message saying "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactivity." Any ideas on what can be causing this?

I have no GPO's set up. I tried setting up a simple GPO last night and it just wouldnt work. I made the GPO and applied it to the appropriate OU that I want it to take a effect in and it just wouldnt apply when the user in the OU would log in, so I just removed the GPO from the OU until I find out the problem. Im not even sure if there are GPO settings to prohibit remote desktop connections anyway.
On the computer to remote, if you go to computer management > local users and groups > Groups > remote desktop users, make sure the remote desktop group is listed there. I don't have time right this second to look up the GPO settings for this, sorry.