Regor 240 bottleneck


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
Im fairly happy with with my PC.

Regor 240
3GB Ram
XFX 5770

I play mostly older stuff but new stuff consist of Boarderlands, BC2, Dirt 2. I have a 22in Dell 1680X1050 monitor. If i get a newer monitor it will be no bigger than a 24, my frag skills suffer on bigger monitors.

Anyhoot, how much life does this regor 240 have left? Any? Would buying a better card help me at all? Or would a CPU be a better buy?

I guess id like to have BFBC2 Run at a solid 50-60 wide open fps at 1980X1020 when i get a new screen. That im thinking will also give me enough power to run RAGE and BF3 next year.
Your best bet is to save up and buy a cheap Athlon II X4. They clock very high and the extra two cores will help as games being to make of quads. Bad Company 2 love having four cores, and dual-cores have trouble keeping a solid framerate.
Your Regor core should net you about 50fps in BFBC2. You can extrapolate this from the 54fps performance of the 3.0 GHz Athlon II x2 in this test:,7.html

If 50fps is enough for you, then you don't need to upgrade just yet. You can also consider overclocking, which could potentially net you 60 fps at 3.4 GHz. A quad core would be a consideration, but you should avoid the cheapest models, as they don't have the cache to scale all that well.

Please note that in this review the "Athlon II x2 550" is an incorrectly labeled Athlon II x2 250. This is a problem all across the web because the following two products were released (and reviewed) at the same time:

Phenom II x2 550 BE and Athlon II x2 250.

So people mix the numbers up everywhere. Unfortunately, the Athlon II x2 550 does not exist :D

VERDICT: for now the CPU is likely enough, but you will probably need a new one for the next batch of games. As for Rage and BF3 at 1920x1080 on a 5770, that's just not gonna happen. When you upgrade your monitor, you're going to have to buy a better GPU.
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I'm an Athlon II x2 gamer. For the sake of Bad Company 2, do yourself a favor and get a quad core. Benchmarks may show that a dual core pulls decent frame rates with BC2, but gameplay feels very laggy.
I'm an Athlon II x2 gamer. For the sake of Bad Company 2, do yourself a favor and get a quad core. Benchmarks may show that a dual core pulls decent frame rates with BC2, but gameplay feels very laggy.

Just curious, what model number and speed are you running? Always nice to get a clearer picture of the limits of the BFBC2 engine.
Im fairly happy with with my PC.

Regor 240
3GB Ram
XFX 5770

I play mostly older stuff but new stuff consist of Boarderlands, BC2, Dirt 2. I have a 22in Dell 1680X1050 monitor. If i get a newer monitor it will be no bigger than a 24, my frag skills suffer on bigger monitors.

Anyhoot, how much life does this regor 240 have left? Any? Would buying a better card help me at all? Or would a CPU be a better buy?

I guess id like to have BFBC2 Run at a solid 50-60 wide open fps at 1980X1020 when i get a new screen. That im thinking will also give me enough power to run RAGE and BF3 next year.

overclock it you should get some extra life out of the processor.. should easily do 3.4-3.6ghz.. but at some point you will have to upgrade it..
Thanks guys for the info, im not brushed up on my cpu's and gpu's like usual. I will overclock this 240 and see if that will smooth out BC2 a bit, (its really not bad as is) then when RAGE or BF3 comes out a x4 or x6 and a new card will be dropped in.

Geez, gaming on the PC is so easy nowadays. I miss the challenge.
Just curious, what model number and speed are you running? Always nice to get a clearer picture of the limits of the BFBC2 engine.

I've got a 250 @ 3.5GHz.

If I disable my sound card, Bad Company 2 smooths right out. Just an interesting observation I've come across.
Thanks guys for the info, im not brushed up on my cpu's and gpu's like usual. I will overclock this 240 and see if that will smooth out BC2 a bit, (its really not bad as is) then when RAGE or BF3 comes out a x4 or x6 and a new card will be dropped in.

Geez, gaming on the PC is so easy nowadays. I miss the challenge.

go with the X6 you will not be disapointed.. definitely worth the money even right now and especially in 3-4 months..
Upgrading the videocard is a better buy but yours is OK right now.

I suggest that you think about upgrading the cpu, but during a specific time.

That time is when Phenom II X4 hit bottom. This might be just before the Bulldozers come out, maybe sooner, maybe later. Don't consider a Propus. There will be a time when they are dirt cheap. Pick a common lower speed one like the 945. My guess is that they would be about $80 or so.

Your Regor could be good for a long time but if good quad cores go for that cheap within the next year or so, buy one.
Buy a $99 dollar Athlon II quad or triple core, and oc it. Even on 785G mobo's, all 3 of my Athlon II cpu's will run 240 fsb? (200 stock) on stock voltages, with stock heatsinks with no problems.

here you go.

14.5 multi X 240 = 3.480GHz, DDR2 ram has divider to run at stock 800 speed also. You can sell the Athlon II 240 for a few bucks also...$30ish I would guess. You can also sell off the x4 down the road also for a few bucks. No need to wait another year to drop a better cpu in there. I hear BC2 loves quads. Also, whats with the 3GB of ram?
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I would hold out for a Phenom II X4 instead of a Propus or Rana cpu. You can get a Phenom II X4 925 for only $30 more than the one listed above right now. No need to hold out a year. I posted that for when I think they will bottom out in pricing. Like maybe $80, $90 or $60. I don't know just guessing. At some point soon they will hit rock bottom. They will probably be less than $100 before the end of the year.

It would be something that you would be likely to keep longer. With a good videocard, you could be content with it for several more years.
I would hold out for a Phenom II X4 instead of a Propus or Rana cpu. You can get a Phenom II X4 925 for only $30 more than the one listed above right now. No need to hold out a year. I posted that for when I think they will bottom out in pricing. Like maybe $80, $90 or $60. I don't know just guessing. At some point soon they will hit rock bottom. They will probably be less than $100 before the end of the year.

It would be something that you would be likely to keep longer. With a good videocard, you could be content with it for several more years.

BC2 is core depend and not cache depend. More cores better the game runs.
OK. Was thinking that he is somewhat satisfied as is with BC2 performance and he is considering future games like Rage and BF3. Seems like a good move to buy closeout premium parts for his computer to extend the life of it cost effectively (vs. buying parts at launch).

Any links to benchmarks that show performance differences of cache sizes?