Registry File.

Linkin Park

Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2002
Quick question. where is the registry store don the computer, i mean the actual file. and if i get it from another computer is it possible to use a program or browse his w/o it integrating w/ mine?
Actually, it is possible to copy certain parts of the registry from one computer to another AND mount them to browse them.

However, I couldn't tell you how to do that as I don't know myself. I know you can copy the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key ( I think the file is called user.dat, stored in the user profile ), and I know you can mount this seperate from the rest of the registry. From here I'd recommend, see if they have anything.
The registry is not a file. That has not been the case for a long time. Thus, you cannot just copy the registry as a file and do what you want. Trying to use certain keys like XOR said is not even the brightest of ideas.

I don't know where you are getting this info from, but you should tell those wannabe h4x0rs that they are about 6-8 years out of date with their info.
You can load other registry "hives" by using regedt32

Start up regedt32
choose the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on local machine" window
(highlight the root level, HKLM)

On the "Registry" Menu, choose load hive. then browse to the registry file you want to load. ( For reference, these files AREN'T text files... they are more like database files (binary data))

It will ask you for a name, just type in something distinguishable.

Voila. You know have that hive as a subtree under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

You can browse and edit keys (as long as you have permissions I believe, i've never tried this as a non-admin)

Just make sure you Unload the Hive when you are done. (Unload Hive from the Registry menu)

For further reference, User registries are in Documents and Settings (Win2k) in the file NTUSER.DAT

the Systems registry files are in the System32\Config directory, files are Software (for HKLM\Software) and System (HKLM\System)

It's technically possible to copy these files off a dead machine from the recovery console, and then import them / modify them on a working system, and put them back to try and recoever the dead system. but you need to know what you are doing/changing.
The registry is stored in a couple of files on yr computer

in 95/98/ME they were USER.Dat and SYSTEM.dat in yr system dir on yr computer.

For 2k and XP they are the files within c:\winnt\system32\config

Also user settings in NTUSER.dat in yr profile directory.;EN-US;307545

This shows you how to repair yr registry hive for XP works for 2k as well

There are other tools that access the registry infomation but they go through windows dll calls - thus just another way of using regedit (sort of ;) ).

However BE careful with the registry it is a very dangerous play to visit.

I only posted this just for info abt the physical location of the registry - PLEASE read up on the registry before you play it it soo easy to hose yr entire system

As to yr question abt copying those files and view on yr machine as GreNME said NO.
I have never done remore regedit over a network but that is prolly the only way to do it but as I said I dont know how it works - it might only mean you can import keys rather than look at the hive