Refresh rate question


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2006
I am wondering why the larger lcd screes, the 22" plus screens, are limited to 60hz refresh rates. Is a lower refresh rate worse for your eye's health?
Not on LCD screens, the higher refresh rate was only needed on CRTs where the way in which they refresh (completely off, completely on) was needed to prevent flicker. On LCDs, this is no longer an issue, as they refesh differently.

The large screens are probably limited to 60Hz as the DVI cable can't carry the extra bandwidth needed for 75Hz and above on high resolutions, but I'm not sure about this.

Hope that helps ;)
LIke DremoraLord said, they refresh differently, CRT monitors would noticible flicker at 60hz causing all sorts of potential health problems (eye irritation, headeaches, etc...) On LCDs this will not occur.