refilling water in watercooled system

Oct 19, 2003
Ive had my watercooling setup for about a month now and I want to empty out the water to refill it. I know this is probably a stupid question, but how do i go about doing that without making a mess? I'm using a bay res.
heh .. well really i wouldn't mind knowing either since my hole wc setup comes end of this week!
Without making a mess? Take your rig out of the case, and then dismantle it, anything else is too risky for me.
why do you want to flush it??
best bet with a bay res would be to take it out, or you could unhook the output hose and put it into a bucket or something to catch the water, but you wouldnt be getting all of the water out then
The best thing is a t-line attached to a ball valve at the bottom of the loop. I intend to put one in my loop when I finish making my waterblocks.
Originally posted by killernoodle
The best thing is a t-line attached to a ball valve at the bottom of the loop. I intend to put one in my loop when I finish making my waterblocks.

This is basically what I'd do, just put the PC over teh sink, hang out the hose, open valve. Profit.
I've got one of those quad bay res's. I do it the old fashion way , I open the cap to my res. Then I just tip my whole case over and let the water drip out. Done this many times and the most spill I get is a few drips on the case. It just gets to be a pain in the butt when all the water is almost out and you practically have to turn your comp upside down to empty it. Just don't drop your comp when you have it upside down......
Originally posted by killernoodle
The best thing is a t-line attached to a ball valve at the bottom of the loop. I intend to put one in my loop when I finish making my waterblocks.

I must agree. The second time I plumbed my system I added a T-Line at the bottom of my loop with a ball valve as well. This way I can just hook up a hose and drain into a bucket. I will be appreciating this step greatly this weekend when I add my uber water chiller! Just one question though - why do you want to cahnge the water so soon? Mine has been running for months now without problems. Are you seeing deposits or something? Remember not to use to much water wetter.
My way isn't very fast, but it's safe. I take a 1/4" line, run it into my reservior and syphon out as much water as possible. As the level in the reservior gets lower, I move it lower to keep the end of the 1/4" hose in water. Just make sure you keep the end of the hose where the water is draining from lower than the other end. Once it's low enough, I crack a line, tilt the PC and let the rest of the water out. My system holds about 2 1/2 gallons and it takes about a half hour to completely drain it this way.
Originally posted by Little Grabbi
This is basically what I'd do, just put the PC over teh sink, hang out the hose, open valve. Profit.
Make sure to open the circuit at some place near the top as well, or the water will just drip out instead of flowing out because the air pressure would only press on the lower opening and keep the water inside. If there is an opening at the top, too, then the air pressure presses on the top AND bottom opening, both forces annihilate each other and good ol gravity can pull the water out.