reducing "glow" on an S-IPS panel?


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2006
apparently there is a common trait amongst all S-IPS panels ... when powered on and looking at any black background from any angle other than dead center, there is a very noticible "glow" ... in the case of my 2007FPW, this is an orange glow, and the greater the viewing angle becomes, the worse the glow becomes until the whole screen looks like an orange streetlight is shining on it. i have taken some pictures in a previous thread to point out what i'm talking about:

some people report it as a purple glow, but in my case it is orange. a friend of mine has an apple cinema 20", but i have been unable to get in contact with him to see for myself if his display carries the same trademark (according to the replies in my previous thread, it should) ... however i can't say i remember noticing that when i have seen it in the past.

now, my question involves resolving this, because i'm not sure if it's something i can live with. is there a setting i should be looking for to reduce this "glow" effect? maybe a setting in my video driver options, or a setting on the monitor? the responses in my previous thread suggest there is nothing wrong with my monitor, but i'm not sure if i can live with it the way it is. can anyone offer me any suggestions who has experience with this "glow"?
I think you're over-reacting. I have a Dell 2005FPW and I have the purple glow, when I look from the sides, and a orange when viewed diagonally but it doesn't bother me at all when I'm sitting down and using it. Are you going to be constantly viewing from those angles, if not then there is nothing worry about. It is just the nature of IPS panels, so you will never get a luck of the draw perfect panel. If it bothers you that much you can try VA panels which still turn orange but not as much.
This is a normal phenomenon, you're probably used to a CRT display. Hopefully you are sitting in front of the panel and not at an 80 degree angle to the side.
yeah i'm coming from a 17 inch CRT ... i guess maybe i just have to get used to it ... this 2007wfp looks great when you're sitting in front of it, but i'm just not used to seeing it look all screwy from the sides. if i had known about this to begin with i may have ordered something with a PVA panel instead.
Does it really matter how it looks from the sides? Unless you invite guests over alot...
yeah i think maybe that's why i was freaking out about it, but since i've been using it for the past few days it really isn't that bad