Redeem me, o faithful LP3065. Art thou my savior?


Aug 20, 2008
I had a terrible experience with a 3007WFP I got off of ebay. Had I done some research I may have avoided it. But, DAMN, that thing has a noisy power supply! Who the hell let that thing get out of the factory? It would buzz at all levels. At full brightness it sounded absolutely hellish, the other levels were okay but unreasonably loud in comparison to the 2407wfp (which is dead silent at 100% brightness, I just tune with the nvidia driver).

So, I call upon ye, oh faithful HP LP3065 owners! Reveal to me what I do not know. I wish to know the truth...

Does the HP LP3065 buzz or whine or hum or whatever? I read that it was silent at 100% brightness which for me is DOABLE because I can tweak it using Ntune or whatever. It'd be nice to ear from an ex-3007wfp owner who found the noise unbearable. Any 3007WFP owners switch to the LP3065 and are happy?