Red and Green light on NF7-S


Dec 25, 2002
I was just wondering if there was a way to shut those buggers off? Or maybe away to make it so they are not so bright. Thanks :D
customer of mine said he used a permanent marker (had to go over it several times)
Alright, I'll try that out. Thanks again for the help. :D
yea, the green one isn't too bad, but damn that red one clashes with my blue themed case.. LOL :D
yeah, if you had a read/yellow/gold theme going on in your case you would be set :)
scottatwittenberg said:
a little piece of electrical tape?

Yea, I was wondering if that would be possible. A lot easier and quicker.....
i don't see why it wouldn't be possible..

if your really hard up about it.. just remove them.. shouldn't take more then 2 seconds.. course you'd have to break out the iron.. and i unno about takin it to my babys mobo..
I think I'll just try the other methods. I just took my whole WC apart lastnite and cleaned it an all that. more taking the mobo out for a while *knocks on wood*
permanent marker would be <permanent>, and the tape could be removed later (if it doesnt fall off because of heat which it shouldn't).