Recover deleted items from Network Storage Decive


Nov 3, 2007
HELP! I accidentally deleted some pictures from my Maxtor Shared Storage device.

I have a 500GB network storage drive connected to my Router through an RJ45 cable.

I have tried a few data recovery programs but can't seem to find one that will recognize my network drive.

Any help out there?

(when files are deleted from the network drive, they bypass the Recycle bin)

Thanks in advance.
Any way to get your network device hoked up to your PC? Does it have a USB port on it?
I'm not sure of any software programs that can pull it over the network.
Also when you log into the NAS device it should dump the data into the recycle bin of the device, even when deleted remotely.
Couldn't get them off the NAS BUT as I was sulking, I had a stroke of genius - just recover the deleted files from the memory card.

It worked like a champ! All pictures recovered with the program - File Scavenger ($49.95).
It worked like a champ! All pictures recovered with the program - File Scavenger ($49.95).

I have that program and I have used it once....very successfully I might add...I hope I never need it again...:)