Recommended sites/forums about Podcasting?


May 2, 2005
I'm looking to start recording, editing, and distributing some basic podcasts to go along with a blog I have.

I'm interested in finding out more about the whole thing. Right now, I know next to nothing. And while HardOCP and the Hardforums rock for all things hardware and a few things software, there's not a real big community here for this kind of thing.

Any big sites out there you guys recommend? I'm also looking for some good forums, for the inevitable moment when I run into a question that's not covered by commonly available information.

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24 hours and no bites, eh? Hurrm.

I found a few things on my own. One of the biggest things I noticed is that there were no real stand outs among aggregators for PC. They all seem kind of "meh".

I'm testing out ePodcast Producer. Cnet highly recommended its predecessor, iPodcast Producer. But it's a $150 program if I want to buy. I also downloaded Audacity to see if I can make do with the features found in freeware.
