Recommend the Best Nvidia MOBO


Mar 8, 2008
Building a new pc for my brother for gaming and he just informed me that the budget was decreased to $1600. I was considering a i7 system but with the decrease in budget and the fact that he doesnt even want to wait that long, Recommend to me the best Nvidia board, (790i's too expensive right now, and so is DDR3).

I am going to set him up with the following build

Antec 900
GTX 260 216 (brand undecided thus far)
2x500GB HDD, WD or Seagate, something like that (not RAID 0)
Couple o drives
4gb G. Skill, Corsair, or OCZ ram (probably 800, maybe 1066)

If I had my choice, I would use an Intel board but he wants to eventually run SLI (when he upgrades his monitor, current: 22in 1680x1050)

Any suggestions are appreciated

P.S.- Im still up in the air about a PSU but he wants at least 750W+ for future expandability
I would talk him out of an nvidia chipset board personally, but if he has to have one I'd recommend the EVGA 750i SLI FTW. It's relatively inexpensive and offers tons of features... and the best part is that unlike other 750i boards it actually runs the PCI-E slots in dual x16 in SLI mode. It's pretty much like having a 780i board at almost half the price.
yeah yeah, i know ive tried to talk him into it but he wants to run SLI sometime in the near future (kind of a nvidia fanboy) and doesnt want to wait and fork out the extra dough for the X58 and i7. The 750i should be suitable as i doubt he will ever run 3xSLI but if by some chance I can get him to go with an Intel chipset, give me some recommendation on those.

Also recommend a decent 750w+ PSU.

Thanks for the help
I was impressed when you considered i7 then you said you would use an Intel board.

Since he wants an nvidia board, consider yourself limited. I dunno if you want to consider 680i but 750i, 780i and 790i, as you mentioned, should do the trick. For that budget, I think it is within i7's budget...

300 for the board (+/- which is not too far off 790i price)
300 for the ram
300 for the cpu
300 for the card

i7 should be out in 10 days, not too long of a wait now.
I forgot to mention that the 1600 includes gaming titles and additional hardware such as sound cards ect. I am seeing where the the prices for the i7 platform will likely be inflated due to demand which will not only make them hard to get, but also elevate the price substantially (we will see when they come out, but that is my speculation). He said that he would like to save as much as possible and lets face it, the i7 isnt going to save as much as possible (i would love to build one for myself however, but dont have the funds).

Any other thoughts on recommend Intel chipsets if I can convince him, or PSUs?
gtx 280 instead of 260 for that kind of budget.
2x640gb WD caviar