Recommend me a good motherboard for my Pentium D 805


Feb 5, 2008
I want to upgrade the Pentium D system I have in my sig. What's the best motherboard for it? FYI, I'm not replacing it. I don't care how great the Core 2s or Athlons/Phenoms are, I love my dual core Netburst.:p So, what's the best motherboard to use for squeezing every last mhz out of it? ATM, I think the motherboard is really restricting my O/Cablility on this CPU, it never goes above 40C degrees (even during heavy gaming). Budget is ~ $100. I've already tried a MSI P35 Neo-F, but it doesn't work with this CPU (because it runs at 533mhz, I think). I don't require SLI. Are the P965/975 my only options here (assuming I want the best O/C)?

Any P35, x38, x48 motherboard will run your CPU.

P965/975 are also good alternatives but you'd be better off with a P35 since it's newer and a little cheaper. Not to mention better support.
Any P35, x38, x48 motherboard will run your CPU.
I don't think that they will.
965 is capable of higher fsb but 975 will be quicker clock for clock - given the high multiplier of the 805 a 975X may be the better choice .
I got 4.2 on a p5wd2 deluxe with my 805, though it was pretty hot and power hungry. 975 chipset.

Any P35, x38, x48 motherboard will run your CPU.

P965/975 are also good alternatives but you'd be better off with a P35 since it's newer and a little cheaper. Not to mention better support.
It would not. I tried it.
Question: I have a spare ECS nForce 570 SLI motherboard laying around, do you guy think it would be able to do better than the MSI nFroce 4 SLI?
Wait, you guys are serious? The newer boards don't run a Pentium D??

Edit: Just looked up the 805. Man, that CPU has like no support.

Sorry man. :eek:
Just like the P956 will not run some of the newer Core2Duo CPUs. I had to buy a new motherboard after getting an E7200. It was a shame because my 965 board was only a year old and had a lot of features.
I like the Abit IP35-E, currently what i'm using, AT has a huge 2 threads just about this motherboard.
I have a rev. 305 BadAxe 1 that I don't use anymore. It was one of the last Bad Axe 1s and it supports Core2duo and quads as well as old Pentiums. It overclocks my e6400 to it's limits which is around a 380fsb. If you want it I will gladly sell it to you.
an asus p5nd2 can take the 805d's to 4ghz under water. i built a two of these systems a couple years ago. even at 4ghz those systems got wasted by e4300's pushed to 3ghz. still was pretty cool to see 4ghz in cpuz.