Recommend a Sound Card

Sep 29, 2006
Hi all, I'm looking to get a good sound card to replace my integrated Realtek '97 audio. I listen to music and play movies only and my speakers are Kpilsch Promedia 2.1s. After some research it seemed that Inferno, X-Fi Music, and X-Meridian are the top choices. What do you seasoned pros recommend for someone in my situation? I know that the X-Meridian is the best for my needs but is it really worth the $100 extra on my setup, because shelling out more for a sound card than speakers seems a bit dubious. Thanks for any help.
Stay away from the X-Fis, as they're really 'gaming' cards and prone to driver issues right now.

This on the other hand is not a gaming card, but will give you great quality sound for $68, which I believe is what you're after. M-AUDIO is serious stuff.
The X-Meridian's are amazing sound cards and I recommend them to anybody. They are price but worth every dime. If your looking for something a little cheaper...possibly a Revo, X-fi etc..
Maybe if he's going digital and only for stereo. Other then that a AV710 sounds -well not very nice in analog mode. Nothing compared to newer cards. Digital is digital though and if he is considering going that direction this could be a good way to go. -only for stereo.
It sounds like for your needs that an M-Audio 5.1 will work just fine..I can't recommend the X-Meridian..I have put them side by side with the M-Audio and a Terratec and the XM falls way short on sound..I had them set up with Ultra 5.1's.
For the money and your 2.1's..M-Audio
Really? your the first person I ever heard say that. Everybody else say the X-Meridian is the Best sounding card in the price range...easily.
I am curious to know what you compared the card to?
I don't want to hi-jack the OP's thread..I RMA'd the card could have had a bad one..
I totally recommend a X-Meridian 7.1 for music and movies. -Even Casual gaming. If your a hardcore gamer you might aswell buy the new big boy on the block the Auzen Prelude 7.1. I will warn you that if you do buy one and your speakers are lacking you will quickly now it and it will drive your crazy until you get better speakers..:)
I know that the X-Meridian is the best for my needs but is it really worth the $100 extra on my setup, because shelling out more for a sound card than speakers seems a bit dubious.
Tough call. While the Promedia satellites are at the top of the pecking order as far as PC speakers are concerned, they simply aren't capable of the same kind of full-bandwidth output a typical 6.5" or 8" two-way or three-way bookshelf is when paired with a reasonably good amplifier, and are certainly a far cry from towers. They can hold their own quite well with movies and games, both of which are similar to each other in many aspects, but music is an entirely different animal, and we have very different expectations as to how music should sound. Ideally, we don't want a system that relies very heavily on a sub -- we want two, full-bandwidth speakers with excellent crossovers that can produce clarity throughout the entire audible spectrum and direct the entire spectrum to the listening position.

The Meridian delivers pre-amp quality that many home theater receivers cannot match, and that means that speaker selection is important. I personally think the X-Meridian and the Promedias aren't a great match if music is going to be a heavy focus. You'll have a fantastic pre-amp stage, but you'll be stuck with your speakers, and its sub-housed amp prone to failure, being a very weak link in the entire chain.

Stay away from the X-Fis, as they're really 'gaming' cards and prone to driver issues right now.
Only in Vista, really. They are of course very prone to hardware issues, but also mainly on nForce 4 boards (though they can have problems with just about any motherboard).

M-AUDIO is serious stuff.
Sorry, but I just found this statement amusing :)
What the heck..Hijack time

Phide are you saying that XM will not sound good with the Ultras? I found 2 other people who are having the same problem..The music sounds tinny and flat..the base is horrible. This card seems to have everything going for it..So I gave it a try..After 2 days I just figured is was bad..

Just looking for some answeres
Only in Vista, really. They are of course very prone to hardware issues, but also mainly on nForce 4 boards (though they have problems with just about any motherboard).

XFI worked on my NF4 motherboard but yea i have seen people that had problems with it on theres.

But now my A2zs doesnt work on my NF4 mobo no matter what. Last time I used my A2zs was when I was on a NF3 motherboard. I really wanted to use Veblac too heh.
Phide are you saying that XM will not sound good with the Ultras?
"Sounds good" is something of a relative term. I don't think the Meridian is a good match for the Promedias purely from a cost/benefit perspective. If you already have the Promedias, and you want a substantial upgrade, I feel the money is better allocated to better speakers. Is that an affordable path in comparison? No -- a set of reasonably good bookshelves and an amplifier/receiver will set you back much more than the $169 the Meridian sells for. However, that's not to say that there won't be an improvement from going from the onboard to the Meridian, because there absolutely will be.

The iffy laws of diminishing gains are tough to peg, but this is a pretty clear cut sort of scenario. I think the X-Meridian is just too much card for the Promedias, and I think it makes more sense from a cost/benefit perspective to get a cheaper card, like the b-Enspirer, Inferno, and so on, which tend to hover around half the price while still giving you some pretty damn good components (and all the features of the Meridian).

I'd say pre-amplification is anywhere between 1/4th and 1/7th of the total equation. To me, it just doesn't make sense to throw so much money at it when the rest of the equation is lacking.
Yeah I figured that XM for me would be a bit of an overkill. So right now I'm down to B-Inspirer/Inferno vs. M-Audio 5.1 vs. M-Audio 2496. Is there any real difference in sound quality between the 3?