Recomend a -$150 flatscreen! (dual display)


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2002
I've decided to try out having two screens instead of one. I've already got a great 21inch Dell high-res monitor and a Radeon gfx card with two outputs and supporting software. Anyone know of a good online retailer who sells decent flatscreens for under $150? I'm sure I could find a generic one on Ebay but I'm looking for the best quality as possible to dampen eye strain.
Also, do you think it would be a problem using a 21 with something like a 19 or even a 17? I'm using it for multiple windows for music production, not for having one large window across two screens.
Thanks guys
i could be wrong in my assumption, but if you were to buy two ~150 LCD screens you could probably buy one CRT for the same price as the two, and have more screen space total. A ~150$ LCD screen will have a shit native resolution. And for 300 dollars you could find a 19inch CRT monitor, and probably a 21" also, either or will be able to handle much better resolutions, and probably refresh rates as well.

but that's just my suggestion :)

to answer at least one of your questions however, you won't have a single problem w/ having different resolutions on different monitors. None at all. I'd make sure you're at the same refresh rates however, so that looking from one monitor to the next won't reek havok on your eyes.
I think by Flatscreen he means Flat CRT. There are no LCDs that cheap. And most retailers will have one or two options for Flat CRTs at around $150 a pop. Newegg is the general recomendation for most things computer. And you shouldn't have a problem mixing monitors, other than bezel sytles and different resolutions.
oh.. hrm.. good point.

i retract my former statements! :D
Well you guys are both right and wrong! I was assuming that I could find some secondhand crap flatscreen LCD for around $150 but I guess that's way too optimistic.
But either way, in the end I'm looking for an LCD because I've got tons of music equipment and really don't have space for a CRT. That and the space CRT's take can mess with fine tuning accurate monitors (speakers).
Nick: You mentioned I wouldn't have a problem running different resolutions. I read somewhere that Radeon needs a third party software to run different resolutions. I don't think is is true though cause I'm using Hydravision and I can select Display 2 and set a different resolution, or at least it seems able to do this.
Thanks for the help guys! I'll do some Newegg browsing. I guess I'm looking for some tips as to what qualities make a 'generic' LCD shitty vs. not shitty in terms of overall viewing aspects. I'm not going to be staring at it, just using it for extra space. I guess for now I'll just be sure and try to line up natural resolutions. What would you say is the lowest refresh rate I could go before a monitor like this (not primary...) would be really nasty?
Thanks guys ;)
i personally can't watch a screen not at 85mhz or higher. But i have really sensitive / bad eyes.

I'll check out the ATI resolution issue for you at my work next tuesday. We have dual monitors (19" and 17" CRT's). They are both running at the same resolution though. I don't know if this is because of how we use them (one screen spanning both monitors) or if that it has to do w/ the problem you found. I'm completely unfamilar w/ ATI cards.

Also, if the third party software is not that difficult to get ahold of, and is supported by ATI (ie: it's not a hack of some sort) i would say not to worry about the resolution issue, since you'd have access to software to make it work correctly.

Also, you MIGHT be able to find some decent LCD, but they would be really really small, and probably not worth it. I'll ask a friend what kind his is. (he has a tiny like 15" LCD that i know he got for dirt cheap. It's also a generic brand though.

Oh, and have you considering stacking the monitors on top of eachother? Build a real sturdy rack to put them on, then you can stack them vertically. I undertstand your concern's w/ monitor placement, a dual CRT (and LCD setup for that matter) would screw up your monitor placement.

anyways, time to relax. Hope all that helps a bit.
Thanks for that info Nick. I too have over-sensitive eyes. I'll be sure to stay above 85mhz. As far as stacking goes, I tend to think the lower the better because I hate looking up at monitors. Just a pet peeve of mine. Interesting idea though ;)
I'll check back soon. Thanks guys
So I'm surprised that no one knows of a decent ~$200 flatpanel 'generic' monitor! I can get a 17inch Dell on Ebay right now, which is much more than I need, for around $300. Someone must know of something for less that would be a little better than a total POS! :rolleyes: ;)

Right now I'm looking at something like this, but the auction has 3 more days left so who knows what it's going to go for:
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minor update: that small monitor i mentioned, my friend said he got it for ~130, after a rebate. and it was a kogi. 14" also

but i really think your best bet is to buy a 19" LCD / CRT.