Reccommend HS for Clawhammer 3700+

Jul 21, 2004
Hey guys I will be purchasing this beast soon:

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ Integrated into Chip FSB Socket 754 Processor

And I was curious what heatsink/fan I should use. Watercooling isnt reasonable for me so please keep recommendations to heatsink/fans.


P.S. so far from my research I found that this hs/f is fairly descent what do you think?
If your wanting easy installation (and if I remember right arctic heatsink/fan uses stock retention kit) look at swifttech. I am using the little one (mcx64-v) with the helicoil thingies on my skt754 3400+ overclocked to 3700+ speeds and couldnt be happier. MBM 5 reports 49C max at load. They make a larger one thats just as easy to install but there are some boards where it could interfere with ram if you ever needed to swap slots etc. you'd have to take it off.

There are some monsters out there if you willing to replace retention mechanism and backplate and then install some exotic proprietary retention device but I am guessing from your choice you want moderately better cooling than stock with ease of installation.
Thank you for the informative reply. Your assertions were correct. I did some research on the swifttech that you have and it seems like everyone praises it. Thanks a million. Any other suggestions are welcome I will consider them all.
thermalright xp-90 and a high cfm / low noise fan of ur choice 92mm.... @

25 bucks for teh heatsink. one of the best, better than the arctic freezer 64.