Reccomend me a PS3 game


Sep 11, 2003
Reccession is rough I havent worked in my field since March. Need an escape. Sold a bunch of stuff to pay for bills and upgraded my TV in the process (hey... a guy has to have some fun right?). Now I need a game to enjoy my new TV with.

I really like RPG's and Final Fantasy is my all time fav. However I need something that I can easily lose myself in and doesn't require a lot of thinking. Loved Heavenly Sword. Ratchet and Clank demo was fun... what should I get?

I do have MGS3 and 4 that I should play...
MGS4.... just put it on the easiest difficulty and enjoy the story. You'll get lost for HOURS.
Burnout Paradise with Big Surf Island DLC.
Unless you're not into driving games.
i have been hearing great things about some new batman game or something. Keep in mind i don't own a ps3 and have not played this game.
Hot Shots Golf maybe...?, i like it, if that's your sort of thing. unlockables, lots of ad-dons from PSN free and paid

I do highly recommend Uncharted especially since #2 is around the corner, its short, but well worth the purchase. replay value..yes and no, mainly because of trophies.

MGS4, one of the best games I've ever played. there is replay value if you want allot of extras.

Infamous is good, but nothing that grabs you by the nads (well maybe for others). replay value, once for good side and once for bad side, yes there are trophies.

there's a pretty good selection on PSN, "Pain" is just dumb fun and also addictive (can get pretty strategic if your a trophy whore, like myself).
Zen Pinball on PSN is a pretty solid pinball experience, there's trophies, online competition and leader boards, play against 4 at a time with and without live cam face to face.

folklore is a great linear action/adventure rpg, but very hard to get into. there is replay value, but don't feel pressured, i sure didn't.

Resistance 1 and 2, both great shooters, online and off. play till your hearts content, plenty of trophies and lots of stuff for online play.

and of course, you played the Ratchet and Clank demo, so your next option is to buy the game, its a good purchase, its a good all around platformer with definite replay value.

All from personal experience, there's more but im just adding exclusives.

imo, the most immersive games in the list:
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Another really good game is Killzone 2. Best FPS game I have played this year. Also, Oblivion is a really good game to get lost in for HOURS. Also, Assassin's Creed is good too.
Uncharted is probably the best PS3 game I've played so far it's also one of the oldest. Can't go wrong there IMO.
These are all great suggestions, I have nothing to add except maybe Bionic Commando: Rearmed from the online store. Its only a few bucks and just an incredible remake of the NES classic. It might have been nostalgia but either way it was one of my favorite games from last year.
Another really good game is Killzone 2. Best FPS game I have played this year. Also, Oblivion is a really good game to get lost in for HOURS. Also, Assassin's Creed is good too.

Seconded. KZ2 is easily one of my favorite games of this gen. The multiplayer is SO fun.
Thanks for the response guys!

Already own Oblivion and Fallout 3 for computer. Having troubles getting into them.

Already own MSG4 but havent played 3 yet so im going to do that first. Looks like my next purchase is going to be Uncharted and maybe Infamous however. While playing MGS4 ill look for deals.

And yes Bionic Commando! forgot about that one. Downloaded the demo over christmas break. Cheap to...

EDIT: After reading a couple review I think I will be getting infamous next... looks good!
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get fat princess on the playstation network... for 15$ you cant go wrong.
Yeah one of my friends just got Arkam Asylum... looks pretty sweet. Never been that big into batman but maybe he will let me borrow it when hes done.
i have it for the 360, but batman is fun as hell. it's linear enough but has tons of crap to keep you busy if you wanna slow it down with the story. it's a refreshingly well put together comic book > movie > video game. it's got the voice actors from the tv show (mark hamill as joker, cartoon batman's voice)

if you got the scratch, i'd say buy a new copy to support good movie video games.
I would but I am really tight on my money. I have to been choosey about what I buy and if I can borrow it now to save me some money and give me an escape I will do so.

However ill probably go on a buying spree when I get a job in my feild again and buy all the games I have played recently that I have either borrowed or downloaded.
I will sale you my copies of infamous and uncharted if you want. PM me if you are interested.
If you like fighting games make sure you get SF 4. Here's another vote for MGS4 also. I absolutely loved that game.

I still haven't got around to getting valkyria chronicles though. My budget is a little tight to get new games.
Valkyria Chronicles

One of the best games I've played in a long time. Worth every penny.