

Aug 26, 2004
I'm assuming that this is a hardware problem becuase I just reformatted to get rid of a virus that I thought I had.

My computer reboots randomly. I thought it was a virus at first so i reformatted and now it still reboots at random times.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2600+ XP-M @ 200x11.5
Abit NF7-S rev. 2.0
9800SE softmodded to 9800 reg.
1 gig of corsair pc3200
120gig Maxtor hdd
dont OC it. try to run it normally and see if rebooting still occurs

also try only 1 stick or ram

and what PSU do u have
I have a Thermal Take 420watt PSU. If I run my processor normally it will only be about 800mhz :( . Will one stick of RAM make the difference? I've only had this computer for a month and this problem started coming up about a week ago.
its a possiblilty, have you tried prime95 or memtest?

and a amd 2600 XP-M does not clock at 800mhz default it should be 2.13 ghz

check your bios settingss
I just ran Prim95 and it lasted .4 seconds... :eek:

What can it be? I'll try Memtest shortly
whats your voltage on ur vcore and vdimm?

what are your ram timings?

did you change your CPU back to default?

did you do a 1:1 ?

sounds like an unstable OC
i didn't change it to default yet.
it is a 1:1
if your temps are below 40c then bump your vcore to atleast 1.625. mobiles can handle it easily.
Would this make it more stable?

I forgot to mention that everytime it boots back up it says that the system has recovered from a serious error
yes it would make the OC more stable.

so more details on the error..
All the error says is "The system has just recovered from a serious error."

I've never upped the voltage before becuase I've heard that i can fry my chip...any chance of my chip frying?
what kind of heatsink are you running on it and whats its temps right now and on load
Hmm...I just put the voltage at 1.6.

I have a zalman 7000 al-cu and load temps are 44C / idle 39C.

I ran Prime95 again but still no luck :(
try one stick in and prime it. also when do u see the error, errors arent good. and put the CPU back to default man
no i dont but 166X 12.5 or 166X12 should be close put the vcore do default also

the ram timings default already right? if not then default it all and see if the error is still there
control panel -> system -> advanced -> startup and recovery "settings" -> uncheck "automatic restart"
I love you all :p ...I hope this fixes my problems. Thanks for sticking with me MaMMa