Really want to start to OC my FX55 FSB, but.....


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
I've read here for 1 week and I cant understand the basics of how to OC an FX55 chip? Without someone yelling at me, saying "read the stickies" can someone please explain how to increase the performance out of my FX55 either by increasing the FSB, or other ways. Im using an ASUS A8n_SLI deluxe, with 2 (1GB sticks) ram w/ 2-3-2-5 1T timings, and a nice XP120 CPU cooler.
quick and easy: bump up the multi to 14x and hope it's stable.
if it's not, add more voltage.
if it is, go for 15x

baldrik said:
you do it pretty much the same way you did the p4 in your sig.
Im reading that people are increasing there FSB, but something about keeping the HTT under 250MHZ :confused:
(cf)Eclipse said:
quick and easy: bump up the multi to 14x and hope it's stable.
if it's not, add more voltage.
if it is, go for 15x

I up'ed the MULTI to 14x, and am now downloading aquamark3 to see if it is stable (CROSSING MY FINGERS AND TOES) so for at least now, im at 2818MHz from 2600MHz. My CPU is idling @ 30-32c, is this OK?
htt = fsb
you need to keep the ht link under 1ghz
so from 200-250mhz, use ht multi of 4x
250-333mhz, 3x
333-500mhz, 2x though it's unlikely you make it this far.. hehe

and use prime95, it's convenient.
pretty good explanation above but ill elaborate

There are two ways to overclock an FX55

1) Increase the Multiplier.
This is a quick easy, but no where near as fast and seldom used

2) Increase the FSB/HTT
Faster but definitly a little more complicated

Im going to assume your going the second route as everyone does.

The biggest problems your likely to encounter raising the FSB

1) Always lock PCI/AGP Clock to 66/100

2) Your HTT Multiplier x your FSB/HTT should never exceed 1000

Ex. FSB = 200, HTT Multi = 5 200x5 = 1000
. FSB = 220, HTT Multi = 4 220x4 = 880
. FSB = 260, HTT Multi = 3 260x3 = 780

You dont see really any loss lowering your HTT speed, id just try and keep it above 750mhz

3) Memory Dividers, you didnt seem to list the ram you have but this should be pretty universal. Bsaically id raise your ram times to 3-4-4-8 when increasing your FSB. This is something that is in the overclocking FAQ and I would DEFINITLY reccomend you read about.

4)Voltage. Depending on the temperatures of your CPU, increasing the voltage will also yeild you better overclocks, but it should be a last resort to the aforementioed items.

One last note, it is acceptable to lower your CPU multiper to get a higer FSB/HTT and will yeild higher performance normally.

To acheive 3ghz I could do

200x15 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 5 Memory Divider: 1:1


250 x 12 = 3000mhz HTT Multi =4 Memory DIvider 5:4


300 x 10 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 3 Memory DIvider 3:2

The higher the FSB/HTT the better, keep in mind when you get to higher FSB your motherboard may also become a limiting factor. The memory dividers above are assuming you have PC3200 (DDR 400mhz) RAM.
i question that last statement bigtaf.
if you're keeping everything constant except the htt and slightly lowering the ht link speed for the last setting, where is the benefit of running a higher htt speed?

and it's actually 6:5 not 5:4, but the way the dividers work out, the ram is at 200mhz anyway :D
(just being an ass.. hehe)
(cf)Eclipse said:
i question that last statement bigtaf.
if you're keeping everything constant except the htt and slightly lowering the ht link speed for the last setting, where is the benefit of running a higher htt speed?

and it's actually 6:5 not 5:4, but the way the dividers work out, the ram is at 200mhz anyway :D
(just being an ass.. hehe)

It was mostly for example sake, in response to the first Q.

I guess im getting used to p4s, in response to the second comment :)
hehe, i see. it's all cool, but if i had a choice between higher htt or higher multi, multi all the way because you know you're only changing one thing, cpu speed, if you change the htt you have to worry about ram dividers, ht multi's, the board limit, and that kind of silly stuff, i like simple. :D
(someday i'm gonna have to start keeping track of the longest runon sentence i make)
(cf)Eclipse said:
hehe, i see. it's all cool, but if i had a choice between higher htt or higher multi, multi all the way because you know you're only changing one thing, cpu speed, if you change the htt you have to worry about ram dividers, ht multi's, the board limit, and that kind of silly stuff, i like simple. :D
(someday i'm gonna have to start keeping track of the longest runon sentence i make)

Ive got a p4, im my experiance simple is disappointing. Took me only a couple hours to determine my maximum overclock, and sure enough after 48hrs of prime I verified it. I perfer the good old days of sitting there trying to tweak every extra mhz out of your cpu, thats why I like ocing amds.
I like the harder way cause it's fun for me, but for someone who's never oc'd before i'd just reccomend teh easy way first.
BigTaf said:
pretty good explanation above but ill elaborate

There are two ways to overclock an FX55

1) Increase the Multiplier.
This is a quick easy, but no where near as fast and seldom used

2) Increase the FSB/HTT
Faster but definitly a little more complicated

Im going to assume your going the second route as everyone does.

The biggest problems your likely to encounter raising the FSB

1) Always lock PCI/AGP Clock to 66/100

2) Your HTT Multiplier x your FSB/HTT should never exceed 1000

Ex. FSB = 200, HTT Multi = 5 200x5 = 1000
. FSB = 220, HTT Multi = 4 220x4 = 880
. FSB = 260, HTT Multi = 3 260x3 = 780

You dont see really any loss lowering your HTT speed, id just try and keep it above 750mhz

3) Memory Dividers, you didnt seem to list the ram you have but this should be pretty universal. Bsaically id raise your ram times to 3-4-4-8 when increasing your FSB. This is something that is in the overclocking FAQ and I would DEFINITLY reccomend you read about.

4)Voltage. Depending on the temperatures of your CPU, increasing the voltage will also yeild you better overclocks, but it should be a last resort to the aforementioed items.

One last note, it is acceptable to lower your CPU multiper to get a higer FSB/HTT and will yeild higher performance normally.

To acheive 3ghz I could do

200x15 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 5 Memory Divider: 1:1


250 x 12 = 3000mhz HTT Multi =4 Memory DIvider 5:4


300 x 10 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 3 Memory DIvider 3:2

The higher the FSB/HTT the better, keep in mind when you get to higher FSB your motherboard may also become a limiting factor. The memory dividers above are assuming you have PC3200 (DDR 400mhz) RAM.

Why would I want to change the HTT to 5, and the multiplier to 15x to get 3000mhz? wouldn't I just up the muliti to 15 and leave the HTT @ 4?
HTT is supposed to be 1000

so 4x200 = 800


5x200 = 1000

I doubt youd see a performance differnce but if you can run at the maximum then why not?

The reason you wouldnt just increase the multiplier is because as you get to faster speeds FSB/HTT becomes a bottleneck. Hence why you see people use PC4000 (DDR500) ram. Idealy if you were able to id run

250 x 12 = 3000mhz
Divider 1:1
1T 2.5:3:3:8 (or lower)

However unless you ram is able to hit 500mhz with those timings its not going to happen. Take a browse through the forum and see how few people actually overclock by just raising the multipler. You will hit a point of diminishing returns. If anything you will see in most cases the multiplier is lowered to accomodate a higher FSB/HTT.
BigTaf said:
pretty good explanation above but ill elaborate

There are two ways to overclock an FX55

1) Increase the Multiplier.
This is a quick easy, but no where near as fast and seldom used

2) Increase the FSB/HTT
Faster but definitly a little more complicated

Im going to assume your going the second route as everyone does.

The biggest problems your likely to encounter raising the FSB

1) Always lock PCI/AGP Clock to 66/100

2) Your HTT Multiplier x your FSB/HTT should never exceed 1000

Ex. FSB = 200, HTT Multi = 5 200x5 = 1000
. FSB = 220, HTT Multi = 4 220x4 = 880
. FSB = 260, HTT Multi = 3 260x3 = 780

You dont see really any loss lowering your HTT speed, id just try and keep it above 750mhz

3) Memory Dividers, you didnt seem to list the ram you have but this should be pretty universal. Bsaically id raise your ram times to 3-4-4-8 when increasing your FSB. This is something that is in the overclocking FAQ and I would DEFINITLY reccomend you read about.

4)Voltage. Depending on the temperatures of your CPU, increasing the voltage will also yeild you better overclocks, but it should be a last resort to the aforementioed items.

One last note, it is acceptable to lower your CPU multiper to get a higer FSB/HTT and will yeild higher performance normally.

To acheive 3ghz I could do

200x15 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 5 Memory Divider: 1:1


250 x 12 = 3000mhz HTT Multi =4 Memory DIvider 5:4


300 x 10 = 3000mhz HTT Multi = 3 Memory DIvider 3:2

The higher the FSB/HTT the better, keep in mind when you get to higher FSB your motherboard may also become a limiting factor. The memory dividers above are assuming you have PC3200 (DDR 400mhz) RAM.


what cooling system are u using to get it to 3ghz and what cpu are you using?
Also if you using a FX55 whats the highiest mhz and fsb you can get it to run in a stable and I mean stable condition?