really big monitors that suck????


Apr 10, 2006
Hey. I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but they dont make widescreen monitors for older people. they make them for us young people who still have good eyes and put the resolution at like 4 billion by 4 billion.

I have a friend whose eyes arent quite what they used to be. Its not that they are bad its just that working on a screen with everything so freakin tiny bothers him a bit. He tried to go monitor shopping for something to replace is fairly old 17 inch LCD. he was hoping for more real estate. but with more realestate comes rediculous resolutions.

so I pose this question to you. do you know of a wide screen monitor that sucks? :)

and I dont mean LCD TVs. those suck a liiiiitle to much for computer work I think. Mind you I have never tried one for that but it just feels like they would.
Just pick up any and turn the resolution down. It'll look like crap, but then again, so would picking up a big monitor with a crappy resolution anyway.
not really though. LCDs make interpolation look really crappy. the only one where iveseen it look kinda ok but not really is the dell 2405. But thats a bit out of his price range
Isn't vista moving to vector graphics anyway? Then you can just zoom in and it redraws everything bigger at the higher resolution.
I'm not that old, but am sensitive to this issue too. I find 1280x1024 on a 19" LCD with standard font sizes to be pretty good. I guess it depends on how close your viewing distance is. I'm about arms-length away from my monitor.

As for interpolation, yeah, that is undesirable. You could pick a resolution that is exactly half the native res, e.g. 800x600 on a 1600x1200 panel, and that should look fine, but I doubt many people would settle for such a limited resolution. A 30" LCD (2560x1600) run at 1280x800 is approaching what I'd consider acceptable, but would be awful value for the money.

Alternatively, you could increase the font size in Windows (and/or your web browser, etc), but that isn't always a perfect solution, for various reasons.
The 1280x1024 resolution of my parents' 19" LCD was too much for them, so I just increased the font size, icon size, and icon spacing in Windows and it looks fine (without having to resort to using a lower resolution and interpolation).
Being part of the geriatric community, who works on the computer all day and games in the after hours, I feel the OP's pain. For me, the solution has always been to bump the DPI in Windows from the default 96 to 120. And then in the browser, under "accessibility" to select; ignore font sizes and styles. This allows me to run my monitors (17, 19, 22in) at their native resolutions and be able to read the text just fine without my glasses at arms length. This works in all apps and most games with no ill effects.
thanks for all these great replies. that one comment about windows moving to vector sounds awesome. its about freakin time.

one thing I failed to mention. This guy uses a G5. He uses it mainly for protools. can macs also change DPI?
