ready to buy an nec 20wmgx2 for PC/xbox 360/HDTV. talk me into/out of it!

Apr 30, 2005
Im ready to buy this monitor first thing tomorrow, as my patience finally gave in.

I want a new monitor. I recently remodeled my office, and other than a slow but sure Core2Duo build, everything is done...other than my old 21" crt.

I want to rent an additional cable box (hd dvr) from comcast and have it up here in my office (as i dont have a HDTV in my living room yet) and use my display up here for PC, the HDTV (new seasons of TV start too soon!) and a soon to be xbox 360.

The nec seems to be my only option considering:

1) I have 1300.00 to spend...i could get this monitor and xbox 360, games, accessories NOW... rather than wait.

2) it seems to be the only monitor in the 20-24" size range that doesnt have some sort of 'downfall' associated with it (i.e. dell 2407-banding, 244t-lag...whether true or not)

3) well, thats about it. just getting very impatient waiting for something else to come out. And anything else would require me to wait and save up some more cheddar!

SO basically, can someone talk me into or out of buying this monitor?

Why SHOULD/SHOULDNT I get this and get (OTHER MONITOR) ?
I want to buy this monitor also. The only problem is that it CANNOT scale in DVI with an ATI card.

Unless it is possible to connect both DVI and VGA simultaneously from both outputs of the video card (eg. x1900xt) to the DVI and VGA port of the nec20w, and then just toggle to the VGA when you need to scale. This way you don't have to un-plug and plug in a different cable each time you want to scale.

Hoping there will be a significant price drop soon.
Yeah but thenixhex has an nVidia card. The scaling issue is an issue with ATI video cards (it's one I'm well aware of since I ended up replacing my own X1900XT with a 7950GX2 practically because of this issue).

The 20WMGX2 is almost the monitor I ended up getting myself...was a bit wary of the glossy display and glare/reflections off of said glossy display but everything I've read about it indicates one thing consistently - the 20WMGX2 is one of the best out there.
If I could have justified the $200 extra over my F-20..that is the monitor I would have gotten so I can't talk you out of it. If it's really worth the extra cost I can't say because I don't have one..
joemama said:
If I could have justified the $200 extra over my F-20..that is the monitor I would have gotten so I can't talk you out of it. If it's really worth the extra cost I can't say because I don't have one..

do you Xbox on your Asus? I just checked it out on newegg...and its a sharp looking monitor!

it's 539.00 now. Just havent done any reviewing on this LCD.

can you tell me a bit about it?
thenixhex311 said:
do you Xbox on your Asus? I just checked it out on newegg...and its a sharp looking monitor!

it's 539.00 now. Just havent done any reviewing on this LCD.

can you tell me a bit about it?
No, I have the Acer Ferrari F-20 and I don't have a X-Box 360. pc games look fantastic on this thing however. I got mine from pc connection for $389 shipped (free shipping promotion at the time) but keep in mind the US version doesn't have the tv tuner/remote.
From my experience the NEC has issues with non-digital inputs, the component and vga. Noise is very noticable on black when using the component or vga for both PC and XBOX360.
The glossy screen makes colors looks purdy for gaming though.
I bought a 42" westy for my PC and xbox360 this week. Hell if I'll talk you out of anything. :p