Reading other people's email (Exchange 2003)


Apr 15, 2001
Let me just start of by saying, "No, I do not condone reading others email for shits and giggles. And yes, I am the empowered within my company to read employees email if the need arises."

That said, I had to dig through someone's mailbox the other day to find something. I've got a special user I created which I log in as to which I've given everything BUT full control of at the server level in the Exchange System Manager. Pretty much lets me log into a machine with Outlook installed as that user and open anyone's mailbox I want. But that got me to thinking. Are there other ways to open people's mailboxes? I'd like to make the system as secure as possible, and I think I've done that. What are your tricks to opening and accessing people's mail (when the need legally arises of course)? And what are your tricks to ensuring Exchange is a secure as it can be?
On 2003 I added Domain Admins as Exhange Server Administrators (Full). When I need someone's mail for HR purposes I just add their mailbox from my Outlook.

In 2007, I have a Powershell script that I run and it works liek a champ. When I'm done with the mailbox I run another script to kill my permissions.
Did both.

edit: NM. IE didn't work. Firefox worked fine. IE kept trying to prepend either a DOMAIN\ or append @domain.local