RE-Building The House of RagE - AGAIN

M4rk said:
Some article I read said the way things are going, there should be 1tb drives availible sometime in 2006. I'm doubtful, but not much since Blu-ray and HD-DVD are out already.

There are 1TB drives now. They just cost about a dollar a gigabyte currently.
AtomicMoose said:
How are the drive doinh heat-wise, being that close together?

This and replacement are my big two questions. It looks like if a drive fails (which can and probably will happen, odds are against you) that you would have a difficult time removing the failed drive. From they way they're mounted, I'd guess you would have to take the entire thing off-line unplug everything (damn fine wiring job BTW, do you take comissions? :D) and pull the drive "tower" out to remove the failed drive.
AtomicMoose said:
How are the drive doinh heat-wise, being that close together?

The_Mage18 said:
This and replacement are my big two questions. It looks like if a drive fails (which can and probably will happen, odds are against you) that you would have a difficult time removing the failed drive. From they way they're mounted, I'd guess you would have to take the entire thing off-line unplug everything (damn fine wiring job BTW, do you take comissions? :D) and pull the drive "tower" out to remove the failed drive.

They don't seem to get very warm but I guess I'll know for sure when I transfer the 1T backup to the array.

Replacing a drive will be a pain, I'm sure. No more than a half hour job though.

My problem right now though is it is very hard to turn on. That Thermaltake just doesn't have the balls. I've gone ahead and ordered the big 1kW unit. Friggin' $88 for shipping! Better damned well be here tomorrow morning for that price! :eek:
... Dude, Rage, when you hit the power switch on that thing, your entire city block's lighting is going to go dim! :eek: 1kW, that's insane.
that is an amazing setup. keep up the good work. i'm doing something similar but with less hardrives.
TehRoflcopter said:
This thing is going to cost you A LOT in power bills.... I hope you have a good job, rofl.

Mmmm... well concidering he was able to pitch his other HD setup so soon, and the fact that he's now touting over 4TB in HD's and pretty spank'n hardware, I'd say he's not hurting.

The project looks good so far RagE, keep it up!



Drive E: Two trillion, one hundred and seventy seven billion, nine hundred and eleven million, eight hundred and forty four thousand, eight hundred sixty four bytes free

Drive F: Two trillion, one hundred and ninety eight billion, eight hundred and eighty five million, six hundred and thirty eight thousand, one hundred forty four bytes free

um, wouldn't that be TRILLION, not ZILLION...not to nit-pick:rolleyes:

Nice ass rig you got there...hope the fat bastard Santa brings me new shiat!
^ He is running XP Pro, so is limited to 2TB MBR partitions. He will need to acquire Server 2003 or move to dynamic disks.
Its not so hard when you have an abundance of DVD's and music cd's :D
PS-RagE said:

[ig][/img][/ig] :D[/QUOTE]

Going to suck to defrag those. :)
Hats off to you bro. This is an excellent display of pure indulgance! I am taking notes daily..
DougLite said:
^ He is running XP Pro, so is limited to 2TB MBR partitions. He will need to acquire Server 2003 or move to dynamic disks.

couldn't he just span the disks in XP pro so it would just look like a 4tb partition?

i know you can do it with smaller drives, i tried it with 2 260gigs drive and it showed up as one drive letter with the 500ish gigs.
I'm curious to know why you needed a mobo with 4 pcix slots as you are using only one raid controller?

Very nice looking unit there. Clean and professional.
I believe he said for future upgrades. I'm not positive, but I believe that is what he said.
Well look what the FedEx girl just dropped off:

One big box for a power supply!


Wow - one big power supply.


Guess I know what I'm doing today ;)
Cpt Twitchy said:
I'm curious to know why you needed a mobo with 4 pcix slots as you are using only one raid controller?

PS-RagE said:
<snip>I don't want to get caught again with a maxed-out server and no room to grow, so this time I am using the 3Ware 9550SX - 12 port RAID controller. According to the 3Ware documentation: "64-bit LBA support for addressing arrays greater than 2 TB and support for multiple cards (up to 4) within a system for large storage requirements.". In theory, it should be a good long time before I have to do this again :cool:

Cpt Twitchy said:
Very nice looking unit there. Clean and professional.

Its a little bigger than the Thermaltake and a lot heavier.



Looks like I'm going to have problems with that top blowhole
LMAO it's going to rip the back of the case off. I love it!

Well that is one problem solved. She powers up now like nothing - go figure. I'm going to let it burn in for a couple days before voiding the warranty on the PSU.

I'm transferring the data now. 70 minutes for 250G (PATA bus to RAID array). Its been going for 20 minutes now and the drives are barely warm.

Next, I'm going to have to figure out how to put the lid back on
I didn't think so many parts could be fit into a case that small :eek:

Yet another question for the time being. Why did you go for a regular psu instead of redundant?
Does anyone even make a redundant 1kW supply?

Of course even if they did, it would never fit. This one barely does
I know the mod is all about the mod, but wouldn't have been easier to go with a CM Stacker 810? Would have fit the motherboard, your PSU, 12 HD's in 3 cooled racks and 2 slots left for DVD R/W's.

Also, if you wanted to stick with this case, you could have gone with 2 x 5-in-3 SATA cages and a 3-in-2 cage, still leaving that 1 slot for your DVD.

I know, there's no challenge in that...

PS-RagE said:
Does anyone even make a redundant 1kW supply?

Of course even if they did, it would never fit. This one barely does

i know sun. makes redundent 2kw for there big servers(ult. spark 5k)... there not atx thought... :S. i know it dosent help you any, but the fact that they do exist shows its possible

on that note, wont PCPnC custom make psus to any desgin spec you want??? you just gotta pay thought the ass for em? (your right it wouldnt fit, but dual 1kw's would be cool...(acctually.... warm....very very warm... ;) )) perhaps a littel Q&A is needed

If on the sixth day, God did his wiring, it still wouldn't look as immaculate as your's. :)

Hats off to you and your skills, it's the cleanest PC I've ever seen with that much STUFF in it.

/sorry, God. Window seat, please?
Good point about if anyone makes them that large. Doesn't matter though with the pcp&c though becasue last I heard they have guts from zippy :D
For the big PSU you could make another backplate that lets it stick out, would help airflow lots. Might tip over, if it weighs more then all the HDD's together, which i doubt it does.
l0cke said:
For the big PSU you could make another backplate that lets it stick out, would help airflow lots. Might tip over, if it weighs more then all the HDD's together, which i doubt it does.

That would have been an excellent idea when the machine was all torn down. I may still consider it. As it is now, I'm thinking to either modify or just make a new lid. This way, I can leave the lid at the shop to work on while the server stays online at home.
Well, I've transferred all the data and I have to say the drives barely got warm. No warmer than the single backup drives sitting outside the case.




And for doh:
