Razer Mamba becomes unresponsive on Ratpadz XT


May 31, 2009
Almost every time I raise the Mamba even a little bit off of this mousepad, it stops registering input when it lands for a second or two. Buttons still work, it's the actual movement of the mouse that does nothing. Any help?
sounds exactly like what mine did on my icemat. I guess the mamba is picky about mousepads, bummer. Im just using a regular cloth pad until i find something else maybe
from a review I read on Amazon
not my review so take it fwiw
sorry if it doesnt help you,just remembered reading it and came across your post here,thought it may help:

13 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The "DREAM" mouse I have been waiting for despite it's quirks and bad reviews, April 16, 2009
By JVUE - See all my reviews
This is the mouse I have been waiting for. One that has the body of a Razer DeathAdder, and the high customizable DPI of the Razer Lachesis.

-Highly customizable DPI
-Can be used as a wired mouse
-5 Stage Sensitivity Changes (i.e. 800,1600,1800,2000,5600)
-Sensitivity change buttons can be re-mapped to key buttons
(if you don't know what the buttons are they are the two small one's next to the left click)
-X & Y DPI can be changed to increase vertical or horizontal DPI speed of your choice (this is great to move your mouse down to hold gun recoil down with machine guns and STG44/BAR recoil in Day Of Defeat Source or any other FPS game)
-Software can manage multiple profiles for different games
-Software can create/record macros (I haven't extensively tried it so I can't comment on this yet, just got the mouse today from Amazon)
-You can turn off the lighting for Charging Dock/Mouse Wheel/& Battery Level indicator
-It turns off the battery indicator lights and lights on the wheel when you are not using it to preserve battery life
-Jitter problem is fixed if you use a well flat textured surface, I can confirm it works nearly perfect on a Razer eXact Mat (I use the speed side)

-It jitters on the Razer Destructor mouse mat, I own the Destructor Special Edition white version and it jitters a lot
-Jitter is caused by poorly textured surfaces so the laser doesn't track well, this is why people are complaining about the jitter and when they left click the mouse jitters
-1.02 firmware has problems with battery life, update to 1.03 firmware, I had a problem updating in Windows XP so I updated my firmware in Windows 7
-Cost, most people will not be able to afford this mouse,this mouse is purely marketed towards the hardcore FPS players, it's not a mouse that you would use to play World of Warcraft or online Bingo on a Saturday night with your grandma
-Thumb buttons, this might be bad if you have big hands, I have small hands so I find the placement of the thumb buttons to be fine but if you have large hands you might complain that the buttons are placed too high

I believe if you contact Razer they will give you a teflon ring to fix part of the jitter problem. I suggest a well textured surface to use with the Mamba. I created my own ring using lamination sheets and used a dime to trace a circle and cut it with a scissor. What people don't understand about laser mouses is that lasers are PRECISE. Any little movement will cause the laser to move, this results in jitter because many people don't have a solid steady hand so they complain about a technology they know little of and if you think you have a steady hand I dare you to think again. Hopefully Razer will continually release firmwares to correct the jitter problems even further.

I don't think anyone needs a mouse over 2,000 DPI. Don't believe the marketing hypes of any company that advertises a mouse with high DPI, not even Razer's competitor. Not many people can control 5600 DPI. I have used Razer mouses since 2005, so that's about 4 years of usage. It took me at least 6 months to get very good at 1600 DPI. After that I went to 1800 DPI and 2000 DPI; as far as I can tell it's very difficult to control anything over 2000 DPI. I find 1800 DPI to be the sweet spot for gaming.

I own 1 Razer Diamondback Red (Original non-3G), 1 Razer Diamondback (Original non-3G) Plasma Blue Limited Edition, Razer Diamondback Chameleon (Original non-3g), 1 Razer DeathAdder 3G, 1 Razer Copperhead Laser Mouse, 1 Razer Lachesis, 1 Razer eXact Mat with Gel wrist pad, 1 Razer Destructor Special Edition White mouse pad. So you can see, I have a trailing history of Razer products. If you loved the DeathAdder then you'll definitely love the Mamba.

Again, I will stress this again, this mouse is for the hardcore only. Don't cry saying you wasted $130 for a mouse. Know exactly what you are buying before you buy it. But I will say this, it works excellent with eXact mat and a custom ring around the laser. The boxing of the product is clever and very nice. You have to see it for yourself. Don't be discouraged by other reviews to buy this mouse. Buy it and try it out for yourself. Buying a mouse is like buying a car, we all like different things, some like Lamborghinis, some like Ferrari's, some just want something to get from point A to point B. Even if you don't like it and want to return it, Amazon has a great return policy.

*UPDATE* APR-19-2009
After further testing I was able to update my Mamba to firmware 1.03 by running the 1.03 executable file in Windows 98/ME compatibility mode. Running the software in compatibility mode was the only way I could get rid of the InstallShield 1628 Error which says that the application wasn't able to install itself. You have to manually install the firmware which gets extracted to C:\Program Files\Razer\Mamba\Mamba Firmware Updater from there you can manually run the updater and follow the directions. I tested it on the Razer Destructor Special Edition White Mouse Mat and the jitter is now gone. I can confirm that it works without jitter on Razer eXact Mat, Razer Destructor Mouse Mat, and tested on two different colored cloth mouse pads (blue and black) and there is no jitter at all.
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I know when you lift the mouse and set it down firmly it will become unresponsive for about 2 seconds. I lift and rest the mouse softly naturally so it's not an issue.

As for the above review from Amazon regarding DPI, that person clearly hasn't play fast paced FPS games like Quake Area/Live. I use 2500-3000 DPI on those type of games, even then some experts use a higher DPI.
Kinesis: I'll look into the ring solution if I have problems when I move to higher DPIs. Thanks.

I know when you lift the mouse and set it down firmly it will become unresponsive for about 2 seconds. I lift and rest the mouse softly naturally so it's not an issue.

The interesting thing is that this only happens with the Ratpadz XT, and not my crappy years-old "Wowpad."