Rate my new desktop.

I like the menus along the top, very effective and clean. The computer, docs, browsers, and mail icons are prominent and very sharp. The background matches well, but there are too many icons in the systray for my taste. The icons in the upper right corner are a convenient addition. The second monitor isn't nearly as organized and lacks the color scheme of the primary, making it seem like it's just tacked on. Overall, though, I like the layout of the primary. Very nicely done.

What did you use for the menus and icons?
Hmm. Seems to be pretty TryhardPr0l33t GFX to me, but that is my opinion.

Rating: 3/10
pugsley1218 said:
I use Astonshell

I checked out the site because I'd like a similar looking desktop. Why does almost every theme say "for 1024x768 only"?