Random Shnoop St. Patricks Lucky Charms Mystery Bag $1+ shipping

Bought one, what do ppl usually get in these? how many WOOT knockoff sites are there?
I am in for one. I doubt this is better than the WOOT.com Bandolier of Carrots.

Im in for one to bad i can only get 1. Normally the stuff is worth more then what i paid.

Last time i got

3 pairs of leather gloves (for girls from the look of it) but still god quailty


3 sterling silver bracelets .
My stuff arrived today.

Two little keychain screwdriver thingies and a Ronson butane lighter.

Not bad for $6. :cool:
I got the same thing.. I was kind of disappointed. I don't smoke and you can pick up the lighter for about the same price. I did like the key chain screwdriver/socket thingy..
Got the lighter with 2 screw things also.

I don't smoke, but could use one for work where I have to light those gas torches.