RAM or what?


Oct 16, 2002
So I installed a new motherboard and proc the day before last: ASUS A7N8X Deluxe and Athlon XP 2800+. I'm sure some would be pleased with my switching from a P4 to AMD.. but I digress. Anyway, I've had some weird issues. I'll start from the beginning (where else is there to start, anyway?).

First, when I booted from the WinXP cd, it gave me an unmountable boot volume the first time (after it had completed the initial loading sequence). I rebooted and it was fine. I deleted my previous Windows partition and prepared to make a new one. However, it first displayed an erroneous free space number, errored when I tried to format, and the killed another of my partitions. However, after that it worked fine. After windows was finished installing, during the first post after that, it told me system failed memory test (vocally.. dunno how many of you have this motherboard, but it literally says stuff to you). However, windows booted fine. After that, I've restarted numerous times, but only been told that memory test failed two more times. So my thoughts are that my RAM is bad. To further that belief, I installed FFXI today and suffered continuous stuttering. However, due to the HDD problems, and because I currently just don't have time to deal with this (due to school and related problems), I'm probably going to take the comp to a repair place to have it checked out.

I'm just wondering if anyone can give me any advice or thoughts on this. Oh yes, before I forget. I did chkdsk /p twice. First time it reported errors, second time nothing, so I'm assuming it fixed them.

Edit: One more thing, I had to manually set FSB to 166. Not sure why, but it was set at 100 on first boot. Left everything else at auto (memory, agp/pci) which i'm assuming means locked.
i'd say its memory too.

you had to set fsb cuz mobos don't autodetect. defaults to 100.
A follow-up q. Could the RAM problem also cause problems with sound (skipping and [in some cases] distortion)?