RAM or GeForce 8800 GTS?

Oct 23, 2006
Hi there,

I have a rather hard decision to make.

These are my two options:

1. 8800 GTS and 1 GB of RAM
2. X1950 Pro and 2 GB of RAM

I'm currently using a 19 inch monitor at 1280X1024, and I plan to play BF2 and 2142. The RAM is making me lean towards the second option, but a 8800 GTS sounds so nice...

Thanks in advance.
Cost of 1 gb RAM: $100.
Cost of difference in Cards: $250.

8800 GTS is the obvious choice if the price isn't a factor for you, since the value is $150 greater. I recommend getting 8800 GTS + 1 GB ram then sticking in another GB when you need it. Plus it's much easier to upgrade RAM than the Video card, you can keep the old RAM for dual channel while you'll have to find some way to sell the old X1950 pro or lose the $200 you paid for it.
8800 GTS by far

2gb seemed to help in BF2, but overall it was one of the worst upgrades as far as value is concerned that I've done in a while.
The 8800GTS would be the better choice. You can get by on 1GB of ram if you have to for a little while. If you already have 2GB of ram, there is NO reason to install more unless you need it for something other than games.
Just got back from the movies, Casino Royale was great.

I just have three more questions

- I'm planning to get Vista when it comes out (for free!), will having only 1gb impact it? (I've heard it won't but I just want to know.)
- Is 1 GB of ram enough for graphics design in photoshop?
-Can I play on high settings at 1280X1024 with the G80 and the 1gb?

Gaming should be no problem with 1 gig at that resolution. Photoshop would benefit from 2 gigs.
WarriorX said:
Gaming should be no problem with 1 gig at that resolution. Photoshop would benefit from 2 gigs.

Would I notice an improvement from the 8800 GTS vs. the X1950 Pro on my monitor?
Yes. Just use GPUreview to compare the two.

Go with the ram, and then save up for a new card.
Night Black said:
Would I notice an improvement from the 8800 GTS vs. the X1950 Pro on my monitor?

I doubt it. I can play BF2142 at max settngs at 1680x1050 with x1950pro
I ran the 8800GTS, i will say its kinda dumb to not have 2gb...I'd recommend 2gbs and a lower card to just balance out your system.
Just remember, you will use your card in the future too...

I would definately go with the 8800GTS. Adding 1GB of ram is no big deal, upgrading video cards is a huge hassle.

More system RAM will almost NEVER increase your framerates unless you have a ridiculously low amount of memory. Longer load times and stuttering when the game is loading data will be the main consequence of having less system ram.
Get the GTS NOW, the ram can definitely wait. DX10 is almost here along with Vista, and that X1950 will get raped if you end up with a DX10 title....not to mention the 8800's are faster by far than any DX9 card if you crank everything up, think of it this way, you will be able to crank the eye candy HIGHER than on the X1950 and get at least as good of framerate. Almost "free" performance. My 8800GTS blows away my "old" 7900GT by a rather large margin, and with more eye candy to boot.

The ram is cheaper and can be added in a month or two....
TheRapture said:
Get the GTS NOW, the ram can definitely wait. DX10 is almost here along with Vista, and that X1950 will get raped if you end up with a DX10 title

But who knows when the first DX10 title will be out. Most likely by the time Crysis is released, ATI will have their DX10 cards out, and Nvidia will have their 2nd gen DX10 cards and mainstream cards out. The x1950pro is a very good filler card. At $200 or less, it can plays every game at or near max settings. I got it so I can hold of on buying a DX10 card as late as possible.

To the OP, you should run fine on 1GB with your resolution. You can save the money for the DX10 upgrade. Memory might be cheaper by the time you really need 2GB for vista and DX10. Another option, if you want to hedge, is the eVga 7900GS. It performs slightly less then the x1950pro. But you can step up within 90 days if you change your mind, or if by some miracle, crysis comes out in Feb.
Don't go dx10 cards right now unless your rich, that the 1950xt will hold you very well at that resolution for at least a year. The fact is they won't sell any dx10 games if the gpu cards are that high up, which means they will drop the prices and then it will be a better time to buy one.

Don't listen to all those guys telling you to get a 8800gts.
Squizzel said:
Don't listen to all those guys telling you to get a 8800gts.
Absolutely correct! Get the 8800GTX instead. Then you can wait a good bit longer before you will need any video card upgrade. In the meantime, focus on saving up for your memory upgrade. By the time Crysis comes out (Q3'07) you will have everything you need to play all DX10 games; memory, video card(s) and a monitor upgrade; a real Top Of The Line system. Pure Bliss!!!!!
Don't listen to all these guys that tell you not to get the GTS/GTX, if they had the $$$ to get one, they would.... :p All poking fun aside, seriously, even if you don't count DX10, the 8800's are THE FASTEST TWO CARDS ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW IN ANY GAME.... :D
I would say get the 2gb ram and an x1950 pro and overclock it. Whats the point of turning all the graphics up if you don't have enough ram to support the textures. Thats what happened to me with FEAR and my 1900xt and 1gb. It was a freaking slideshow. As soon as i put the other stick in, back to 30+fps.

And if you do any kind of multi tasking, that 1gb will run out QUICK. If BF2142 is like BF2, then maps with lots of players will eat that 1gb up like its nothing.
menlatin said:
I would say get the 1gb ram and an x1950 pro and overclock it. Whats the point of turning all the graphics up if you don't have enough ram to support the textures. Thats what happened to me with FEAR and my 1900xt and 1gb. It was a freaking slideshow. As soon as i put the other stick in, back to 30+fps.

And if you do any kind of multi tasking, that 1gb will run out QUICK. If BF2142 is like BF2, then maps with lots of players will eat that 1gb up like its nothing.

This is mostly true, the BEST answer would be to get the 8800GTS AND the 1gb more ram
TheRapture said:
This is mostly true, the BEST answer would be to get the 8800GTS AND the 1gb more ram

I'm not that rich. ;)

ATI card is okay for my resolution, since as soon as the computer gets built, Vista goes on it (VLK). So I'd prefer to have a decent RAM set up, as I do a lot of graphics work. Plus RAM seems so much more valued to me.. (Upgrading from 256 RAM where if you shot anything but a pistol it would slow down)

Plus, there's VIVO on it, and where I'm getting it, it is 10 dollars less than the 7900GS. What's not ot like about that?

When the time comes, and I need to upgrade my video card, will probably be when my friend is building a new PCI-E rig. So, I figure he'll be able to put it to good use. Or, I could use ATi's trade in program.

Lastly, I'm waiting for R600 to bring down those NVIDIA G80 prices. There might be more refined drivers out. Competition is always good.

menlatin said:
I would say get the 2gb ram and an x1950 pro and overclock it. Whats the point of turning all the graphics up if you don't have enough ram to support the textures. Thats what happened to me with FEAR and my 1900xt and 1gb. It was a freaking slideshow. As soon as i put the other stick in, back to 30+fps.

And if you do any kind of multi tasking, that 1gb will run out QUICK. If BF2142 is like BF2, then maps with lots of players will eat that 1gb up like its nothing.

ATI card can't OC even if it's existance was on the line. Driver issues or something.