ram ideas for my setup

Apr 27, 2005
I have a 3500+ newcastle and a asus a8n-sli deluxe, right now i have corsair xms pc-3200c2pt (2x512). Im planning on upgrading my processor to either a venice or sandiego core. Im not too good with ram but i want something good with some pretty decent speeds. I really just dabble in oc'ing once in a while. My main use for the computer is gaming, help please.
i'd keep what you have now. if you find that memory is holding back your cpu oc, just drop the ram speed with a divider. it won't effect performance too much
ok what should i drop it to get a pretty steady 2.4 ghz overclock? i don't really understand the ram stuff too much
it's just some simple math.
in your case, i would do this:

fsb (htt): 240mhz
cpu multi: 10x
ram ratio: "166mhz" (5:6)
ht link multi: 4x

that'll give 2.4ghz while keeping the ram at the stock 200mhz :D
What about those G Skill rams and whatnot. all those new ram memory stuff?

i think he means the tccd chips, bh-5, and ch-5. Is there a memory divider selector or is that just me messing with timings for the overclock.
Different chips behave differently at different clocks / timings / voltages. For example CH-5 typically requires higher voltages, easily does low timings, and clock rates top out at about 250-270.

Not that this has anything to do with what you and Eclipse were discussing about using a memory ratio setting to overclock the CPU while the memory stays near stock.

There's no reason you should replace your memory. With an A64 the CPU speed is by far the most significant. While memory speed/latency is not entirely meaningless, it's not worth replacing.