Ram hates to OC


May 25, 2006
I currently have this ram:


No matter what I freakin do with the things, I cannot get them to OC. I can get into windows all the way up to something like 950 FSB. However after the rated 800 i can never get it stable. Tried changing my timings from 5-5-5-12 to stuff like 6-6-6-20 etc etc. Voltage up to 2.2v nothing. No dice. I just can't get them stable.

Rest of PC in sig

Any ideas?
sell the ram and test out others, It took me 3 tries to get the right ram to run with my quad
now Im running [email protected] with ocz sli ram, just keep trying.
Well maby you are not overclocking correctly because no way can you reach 950mhz FSB. Looks like your have a fsb of 400mhz atm. I would try lowering the fsb to 333 and using the 2.5 divider, that would be a ram speed of 833mhz. I would see if that is stable before moving on. Also try that with CL4 timings. EDIT: Also what is your, "Statis tRead Value", and keep the memory at 2.1v. (+0.3v)
wel im talking 950 effective. In order to get 2.1v on the ram I actually have to do +.6v

Static tread is on auto, which I think is 8?

I have SPD set to 2.0 which is 1:1
Not sure, I don't have any stability issues, or anything. These are motherboards voltages listed with everything on auto:

vcore: 1.252v
ddr18v: 1.856v
+3.3: 3.344v
+12v: 11.795

12v seems off cuz its not like that with a multimeter.
I have the same board, DS3L, and my 12v is a little low aswell. What bios revision are you using? Other than that im really not sure what could be wrong.
I just updated to the F8a beta bios to see if that helped, we will see in a little bit. RIght now I noticed something interesting, Booting into XP caused me to crash, but loading into Vista didn't. Im trying to figure out if its the ram or not so i gotta download 3dmark which caused a crash every time in XP.
Hi, we have some settings for a similar board running 1066mhz RAM on our support forums here: Gigabyte P35 board settings

It should help with general settings, as these boards seem to have some odd features compared to my Asus board. You won't hit 1066mhz of course, so just don't set it that high.
Well after my ram OCing last night, i had an entire corruption of my XP install, i was lucky enough to be able to repair and get my stuff off the PC before a complete kill. I am scared to try again. Is there any way to test a system for stability without booting off my HD? I'd rather not axe my system again.

I do have a memtest disc, would that work for stability testing you think?

Edit: and I just noticfed that inside Vista, it only shows 2045meg of ram. Is that right? Shouldnt it be 2048?
i wouldn't worry about it.

and try lowering the memory ratio? ;) memory speed is overrated for most things anyway.