RAM Dividers...WHY?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I have read the Memory FAQ's and the other stuff looking for the simple answer and came up with nada.

Why did the industry go with RAM dividers.... I understand the "purpose" of them, I just do not understand why they didn't just put an "adjustable setting" thing instead.

You know give you a way to "lock" your RAM speed outside the HT like you can do with the PCI, AGP or whatever.

Is there a technical reason why for CPU testing reasons that I couldn't just tell the BIOS to run my RAM at 200mHz buss speed no matter what the FSB is actually running? Is it really necissary for me to get out an abacus just to OC my computer these days?

Or am I just an idiot?
because creating an asynchronous setting like that usually incurs a pretty large latency penalty.. not good.

though, if you look at nvidia's intel chipsets, they seem to have figured out a good way to do what i think you're talking about ;) (though why hasn't anyone else done it? no idea)