Rainbow Six: Vegas


Jul 30, 2002
I'm a huge R6 fan all the way from the beginning and I've been pretty disappointed with every R6 since Raven Shield. I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with this game so far. No, it is not what it used to be: no mission planning, only a 3 man squad, and no switching to different squad members, and a health bar. But it does bring back a sense of tatical game play that has been lacking in recent years.

The crouching and cover system is top notch. I've never experienced a game that lets you use cover to your advantage more than Vegas...thats even over GoW. The guns feel nice and heavy with good feedback and sound. Coming up with situational manuvers with use of mulitple entries brings back some of the good ol'times from preivious R6 games. AI is alright, nothing great but good enough to put up a decent fight, ie grabs cover and reacts to your presence. Being able to individualize your Live character too is a real nice touch with all the different loadouts and weapon combos.

This may be a bit nit picky, but I wish that there were more guns. There are a good hand full already but I think that I've been spoiled by Raven Shield where you can really sample all of the top guns from around the world. There are a lot of HK models, which is a must for a counter-terrorism group, but where is the M16 and M4? I know that the Army is looking for a replacment for those weapons, which very well could turn out to be the SCAR (which is in the game) but there is something missing without the M16 varients.

Another complaint is the checkpoint system that was introduced by Lockdown. It does fit the style of the game which is more paced like GRAW, but that is the very reason why I don't like it. Rainbow has always been a counter-terrorist force that focused on a hostage situation or bomb threat where you were dropped at the scene. Your focus would be to quickly and effeciently clean out the the location and neturalize the threat. And while there are situaitons like that, you have to fight your way there...as in from five or six blocks away. Something that more fits a unit like the Ghosts.

Its not as tatical as Raven Shield and I do hope we see a more hardcore version of the game for PC, but as far as the 360, its a pretty good game. I would say its some thing along the lines of GRAW, Splinter Cell, and R6 all mixed together. While thats not necessarly a bad thing, it still shows that hardcore tactical shooters are becoming a dieing breed.


Your thoughts??
I like the game alot...the only thing that sucks is the before I even turn a corner the AI knows I am there unless they are staring away from that side of the room. But if they are staring at your wall its like they see through it.
On the R6:V forums there was a huge post with a petition wanting the M4 in the game. One of the dev's hopped on and basically said that no matter how many petitions were put up. It was not going to happen. It was not that they didn't want it in there, its that they were not allowed to put it in. Appears to be a licensing issue with Colt.

^^ Well then... screw Colt haha.

Having said that, this game is awesome. I used to play Raven Shield, and I played R6:3 and R6: Black Arrow on the original Xbox, and this game is just a whole lot of fun like those older ones were.
The AI doesn't know where you are unless you make noise in that area. Also, the enemies are spawned according to your arrival, so when you get near they get placed into the game. However, they're still predisposed to certain directions so you may walk right into them. But since there's usually multiple entrances, coming from another end leaves them unaware, giving you all the time you need to squeeze off a shot into the back of their head.

I love the cover system, it's more robust than GoW's. GoW is faster though, it's got a better "action" feel. RSV is more tactical, though it still feels alot more action-oriented than previous iterations. Lots more gunfights, with less prep-time(There was quite a lot of prep-time before though). I don't like the weapon descriptions, they don't really say much about the differences between the guns, damage, range, and accuracy isn't very descriptive enough. Why don't they have the stability, recovery, or rate of fire? There just isn't much description for any of the equipment.

I really like the more active AI in this game, their use of grenades and flanking is great fun. My first incursion into Xbox Live was a co-op Terrorist Hunt had all 4 of us rappel down together. Suddenly everything goes white from a flashbang. When it cleared, my teammates were wiped out and I ducked into the closest room I could find. For a moment I thought I'd joined an adversarial match because I hadn't seen Rainbow Six terrorists clear players with flash grenades before. I do remember that they would hunt you mercilessly if you made noise in the area so I tried to just move quickly before they could catch up. I allowed myself a bit of recklessness since I didn't want to survive /too/ long since everyone had died so early.

I ended up in a corridor lined with wall-juts for cover. Terrorists flooded in and that was when I fully appreciated how different this Rainbow Six was. I took hits when I peeked out to mow a few down. It dawned on me that the AI was using suppressive fire on me, and what was unusual was that it was actually working because of the game mechanics. During most games you can just fearlessly run straight into gunfire confident that you can just shoot and kill him before he can significantly hurt you. I had to make use of the blind-fire instead when they got close because they were trying to creep up on me. In the end, they threw a frag and I had nowhere to go. If I had teammates at the time, we could've shared the suppression enough to fight back.

In previous R6's terrorist lethality varied from worthless to god-like, this one seems to finally have gotten a right balance. The method is a little crude, it seems to be due to the AI's relatively mediocre accuracy and willingness to spray, mixed with how they spawn in high-density clusters since they pop-up in clusters like I mentioned earlier. They're just dangerous enough to get some respect, but still cleared easily enough with a proper lead-in.

Still haven't gotten to the Adversarial modes yet though.
I don't feel like writing a whole review, but basically, 9.2/10. Player modeling could have been better, but other than that, graphics are great and so is gameplay. Checkpoint save system is a little too unforgiving IMO.
I also would give this game a 9/10 overall as I have enjoyed it a bit more then GOW. I personally like a realistic shooter rather then a game like GOW. I like the feel of the weapons but I would of liked a M4 or M16 option.

One thing I miss from the original R6 and R6 rogue spear is the ability to plan your attack with the map before the mission. You could lay out the waypoints and you and your team follow them. I feel that R6 Las vegas sometimes feels unorganized and im all over the place and my team is as well. I would of liked a way to be more organized with a set strategy on how you would go in and attack.
craigdeguz said:
I also would give this game a 9/10 overall as I have enjoyed it a bit more then GOW. I personally like a realistic shooter rather then a game like GOW. I like the feel of the weapons but I would of liked a M4 or M16 option.

One thing I miss from the original R6 and R6 rogue spear is the ability to plan your attack with the map before the mission. You could lay out the waypoints and you and your team follow them. I feel that R6 Las vegas sometimes feels unorganized and im all over the place and my team is as well. I would of liked a way to be more organized with a set strategy on how you would go in and attack.

I couldn't agree with you more. I had a situation in the Train Yard map where I was trying to plan my best route to rescue the hostages. When I finally did commit, everything went to hell in a hand basket. Some of that could be that I'm still getting used to the controls, but it would have helped to have some sort of a planning stage. After all, isn't that the essence of a Rainbow Six game? Maybe we will see it in a PC version?