
Limp Gawd
Dec 5, 2007
I don't feel like im getting the true performance of my RAID 0 Velociraptors. Im currently using the ICH10R controller on my EVGA X58. What is a decent raid card (PCI-E)? I don't want to spend more than $300. I was looking at the Highpoint 2310 PCI-E x4 card. Isn't this still software based though? Thank you for any opinions
I think the general consensus is that for RAID0, a hardware card doesn't give you any advantage over chipset RAID. Do you have a speed test you can post?
Show us an HDtune, or HD tach graph.

Ive generally had good luck on ich10r chipset.

Yea you dont really need a raid card for R0.
RAID 0 has no R, so it is AID and needs no brain.. Thus the only advantage of a hardware card for RAID 0 would be it's cache, if it has any.
Cards can give an advantage, but it all comes down to what you are running for applications, how many drives you have attached, and how many IOPS are being performed. If you have a card with cache (and preferrably batter backup) you can turn on advanced performance options safely within windows. If they have a dedicated IOP processor they can take load off of your CPU so that it can do what it wants to do, which is just run your apps.

The card you listed above doesn't seem to have cache, or an IOP processor. So in other words, there are plenty of cards that do what it does for much less.