Raid 5 Expansion gone wrong - Please Help


May 13, 2000
What I have
3ware 9500S-8 controller.
WindowsXP Pro.
3x 320GB drives in raid 5.

What I did
I just added a new 320GB drive to the controller planning on expanding the raid 5.
I added it and the controller recognized it fine.
In windows I ran 3DM2 and did a Migrate to add the additional drive to the unit.
After a day and a half it finished migrating.
In Windows Disk Management shows the drive as having 894GB with a 595GB partition and the rest non-partitioned space.
The original partition is FAT32 and I wanted to keep it that way.
In the past I had difficulty creating large FAT32 partitions using Partition Magic, it seemed to cap between 300-400GB before not letting me size it larger.
I had to end up resizing it in linux, but I don't remember exactly what I used.
So I downloaded a Gparted LiveCD.
I booted into linux and Gparted loaded.
It allowed me to select the partition and expand it to 894GB.
After it finished resizing it said there was an error.
I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was something about incorrect size being reported.
The expected size is not what was reported.
But, it actually said this is probably not a problem for large partitions or drives, and that I could probably ignore it, so I did.
I rebooted into Windows and now Disk Management shows a drive with 894GB of space and an 894GB partition.
However, the section that displays the Volumn, Layout, Type, File System, ..., shows Capacity as 595GB and free space as 114GB, which is the same as before I added the drive.
I have since tried resizing the partition back down, but I could not make it smaller than 750GB or so, which I don't know why, and even that failed to resize it using Gparted.
I then tried removing the drive from the unit in an attempt to re-add it and again see the free space, but that only degraded the unit.
I have not written any data the the partition since it has been changed.
Currently the drive is removed from Windows, the drive letter has been removed.

Does anyone know what happened that Windows is showing an 894GB partition but a capacity of 595GB?
If so, is there a way to fix this?
Is there a way to remove a drive from a raid 5 unit and re-build it without leaving it degraded?
Is there a Windows program that can resize large FAT32 partitions?

Please let me know if you have any other information for me or if you need any other information from me.
Thank you.
Not sure if this will work in Windows XP as I use Server 2003 Enterprise Edition but when you add a drive and you migrate it in, to the controller, you now have access to the new space. However, to the OS, it is still set at the same size as you see now, Microsoft does has a utility to expand this and makes it really easy to do.

Hope this helps!
I believe that DISKPART only works with NTFS partitions.

If that is the only option, I may take it, but I'd prefer to leave it as FAT32.
I believe that DISKPART only works with NTFS partitions.
You are partially correct: said:
extend disk=n [size=n] [noerr]

Use the extend command to extend the current simple or the extended volume onto the specified disk. The extend command only works with NTFS volumes.

My suggestion for a solution would be to back up the data to one or more drives and recreate the array.
I have sent this explanation and questions to 3ware.
If they cannot help and nobody else here has an idea, that is probably what I'll end up doing.
I think I have enough space on other hard drives to do this if I include the 300GB in my Xbox.
But it will be tedious and time consuming.
Thanks for the advice.