Raid 0 w/ USB flash drives for Ready Boost


Jan 10, 2007
I picked up the bits for a new machine a few nights ago, and I was debating readyboost. 4GB flash drives are pretty cheap and I was just going to grab one (even if its of minimal value, its only $20) when I saw that the Egg has free shipping on a 4.99 1GB flash drive. I thought to myself,

"Hmm, I'll just grab 4 1GB flash drives, convert them to dynamic disks, run them as Raid 0, and get 4 times the performance for the same price as I what I was going to pay for a 4GB drive"

So, I tried an experiment before purchasing. I grabed an old pair of 512 MB flash drives, formatted them as NTFS, and went to convert them to dynamic disks. Turns you vista tries to protect you from yourself and won't let you convert removable media to dynamic disks. As far as I can tell, it may require a registry hack, but my google searches have come up short.

Anyone know how to get around Vista and do the conversion? Assuming you could get it to work, you could actually pull some fairly decent low latency performance out of cheap thumb drives. 8GB could be had for less than $40 which would be plenty for some OS installs, some games that rely on burst reads, etc.
doable? yes, worth it? no Just buy more ram and forget about rdy boost