RAID 0 not speedy anymore..........

Dr. Righteous

Aug 1, 2007
A few years ago my 2 80GIG SATA I drives configured in RAID 0 was a speedy setup.
I used the system for video editing and needed as much speed as possible for clitch free video recording.
Since then SATA II drives are out that have double the performance, as well as 1TB and 1.5 TB HDs. A RAID 0 configuration is pretty much pointless now.
Also I have since upgrade my MB and for some reason it boots really slow on RAID 0, but screams single drive setups.
I would really like to upgrade to a at least a 1TB SATA II drive but what I would like to do is transfer all data from the RAID 0 (Boot sector and all data) to the new SATA II drive and just boot off it. I will do away with the RAID configuration.

Any good methods of doing this??
I use Norton Ghost - you can find free programs but you will need one that you can install your raid controller card driver to so that it will see the array. BTW raid is a lot more complicated than you described and until you get to the maximum speed of your hard drive controller raid will be faster in certain/most scenarios. Raid is NOT for "one size fits all" speed increase - it depends on what you are doing as to how much of an advantage it is to you.
Western Digital has a program that clones drives, theres a bunch of them actually.

Of course the real problem is you have a RAID of slower, older drives. RAID is far from pointless, just use faster drives. What do you get on benchmarks like HD Tune with your current setup? You can compare vs newer stats in the data storage forum.
Here is what HD tune shows:

HD Tune: ATI 2+0 Stripe/RAID0 Benchmark

Transfer Rate Minimum : 6.0 MB/sec
Transfer Rate Maximum : 82.9 MB/sec
Transfer Rate Average : 42.8 MB/sec
Access Time : 13.0 ms
Burst Rate : 68.4 MB/sec
CPU Usage : 6.5%

I guess the same bench run on a single SATA II drive on a SATA II controller would be a good comparison.

Just for giggles I ran HD tune on my old timer work system. This sucker is 6 years old. I couldn't believe it. My old timer system OUT PREFORMS my slick new system on HD performance overall.

80 gig SATA 1 single drive
HD Tune: WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 Benchmark

Transfer Rate Minimum : 29.2 MB/sec
Transfer Rate Maximum : 56.4 MB/sec
Transfer Rate Average : 49.3 MB/sec
Access Time : 13.9 ms
Burst Rate : 76.9 MB/sec
CPU Usage : 2.0%